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Last active November 26, 2015 06:45
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# Script for generating new posts for my jekyll base blog
# @author Natesh Narain
import os
import datetime
import requests
import json
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', required=True, help='post title')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--description', help='post description')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--tags', help='post tags')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--thumbnail', help='post thumbnail')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--comments', action='store_true', help='create a comment thread')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
post_title = args['title']
post_des = args['description'] if args['description'] else ' '
post_tags = args['tags'] if args['tags'] else ' '
post_thumb = args['thumbnail'] if args['thumbnail'] else ' '
use_comments = args['comments']
user = 'nnarain'
token_path = 'C:/github/tokens/blog.auth'
def main():
# if this post has a comment section
issue_number = ''
if use_comments:
# create the issue and get the issue number
num = createGithubIssue(user, token_path, post_title)
issue_number = str(num) if num else ''
# create the date string
date =
date_string = "%d-%02d-%02d-" % (date.year, date.month,
date_path = date_string.replace('-', '/')
# create the file name
file_name = date_string + post_title + ".md"
# create the post file and add the yaml front matter
with open("_posts/" + file_name, 'w+') as file:
file.write("layout: post\n")
file.write("title: " + post_title + "\n")
file.write("description: %s\n" % (post_des))
file.write("tag: %s\n" % (post_tags))
file.write("thumbnail: /assets/%s%s\n" % (date_path, post_thumb))
file.write("repo_url: \n")
file.write("issue_number: %s\n" % (issue_number))
# create the date's asset folder
date_array = [str(date.year), "%02d" % (date.month), "%02d" % (]
path = 'assets/'
for e in date_array:
path = path + e + "/"
if not os.path.exists(path):
# create a github issue in the blog repository for this posts comment section
def createGithubIssue(user, tokenpath, title):
# fetch the auth token
token = None
with open(tokenpath, 'r') as tokenfile:
token =
# create the POST data. title of issue and issue body text
payload = {
'title':'%s - Comments' % (title),
'body':('Issue thread for comment section of %s' % title),
'labels':['blog post comments']
response =
auth=(user, token),
issuenumber = None
if response.status_code < 400:
issuenumber = response.json()['number']
return issuenumber
# run
if __name__ == '__main__':
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