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Created November 10, 2014 19:12
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Run Length Encoding
@file rlencoding.cpp
@breif Run Length Encode and Decode
@author Natesh Narain
#include "rlencoding.h"
int rlencode(uint8_t *inBuffer, int inLen, uint8_t *outBuffer, int outLen, uint8_t esc)
int i, outIdx = 0;
uint8_t current = inBuffer[0];
uint8_t count = 0;
for(i = 0; i < inLen; ++i){
if(outIdx >= outLen) return outIdx;
// count the number of the current character
if(current == inBuffer[i] || count == 0xFF){
// greater than 2 encoding
if(count > 2){
if(current != esc){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = count;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = current;
// cases where we are encoding the esc character
if(count == 2){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = 0x01;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = 0x02;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = count;
// 2 or less encoding (2 or 1)
if(current == esc){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = count - 1; // [ESC $00] is 1 ESCs, [ESC $01] is 2 ESCs
if(count == 2){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = current;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = current;
// must be 1
outBuffer[outIdx++] = current;
// change to the different character
current = inBuffer[i];
count = 1;
return outIdx;
int rldecode(uint8_t* inBuffer, int iLen, uint8_t* outBuffer, int max, uint8_t esc)
int i, j, outIdx = 0;
for(i = 0; i < iLen; ++i)
// escape sequence found
if(inBuffer[i] == esc){
uint8_t count = inBuffer[++i];
if(count > 2){
uint8_t byte = inBuffer[++i];
for(j = 0; j < count; j++){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = byte;
else if(count == 2){
uint8_t realCount = inBuffer[++i];
for(j = 0; j < realCount; ++j){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
else if(count == 1){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
else if(count == 0){
outBuffer[outIdx++] = esc;
outBuffer[outIdx++] = inBuffer[i];
return outIdx;
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