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Last active November 4, 2016 14:42
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Bash functions for running DHAT and Massif on rustc-benchmarks
function rustc-get-command
local rust=$1
local stage=$2
local prefix=$3
echo "Getting command"
local rustc=/home/njn/moz/$rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/$stage/bin/rustc
make clean > $prefix-make-clean-out 2>&1
CARGO_OPTS='-v' RUSTC=$rustc make > $prefix-make1-out 2>&1 || return 1
make touch > $prefix-make-touch-out 2>&1 || return 1
CARGO_OPTS='-v' RUSTC=$rustc make > $prefix-make2-out 2>&1 || return 1
grep "Running" $prefix-make2-out | sed 's/^ *Running `\(.*\)`/\1/' > $prefix-grep-out
# This weirdness is to handle backslashes for inflate-0.1.0, sigh.
cat $prefix-grep-out | sed 's/\\//g' > $prefix-grep-out-2
mv -f $prefix-grep-out-2 $prefix-grep-out
function rustc-dhat
local rust=$1
local stage=$2
local name=$3
if [ -z "$name" ] ; then
echo "usage: $FUNCNAME <rustN> <stageN> <out-name-suffix>"
return 1
rustc-get-command $rust $stage "dh"
# The OUT_DIR is a hack required for html5ever, sigh.
echo "Running under DHAT"
OUT_DIR=../../../target/debug/build/html5ever-1d059a2a3fb684fc/out/ \
MALLOC_CONF=quarantine:0 time /home/njn/grind/ws3/vg-in-place \
--tool=exp-dhat --show-top-n=1000 --num-callers=4 \
--sort-by=tot-blocks-allocd \
`cat dh-grep-out` 2> dhat-$name
#rustfilt dhat-$name
echo "Annotations are in dhat-$name"
function rustc-massif
local rust=$1
local stage=$2
local name=$3
if [ -z "$name" ] ; then
echo "usage: $FUNCNAME <rustN> <stageN> <out-name-suffix>"
return 1
rustc-get-command $rust $stage "ms"
# The OUT_DIR is a hack required for html5ever, sigh.
echo "Running under Massif"
OUT_DIR=../../../target/debug/build/html5ever-1d059a2a3fb684fc/out/ \
MALLOC_CONF=quarantine:0 time /home/njn/grind/ws3/vg-in-place \
--tool=massif --heap-admin=0 --threshold=0.5 \
--massif-out-file=msout-$name \
`cat ms-grep-out`
#rustfilt msout-$name
ms_print --threshold=0 msout-$name > msann-$name
echo "Annotations are in msann-$name"
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