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Last active November 2, 2023 22:02
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Perform a Conditional Access Policy "What if " on Users
# Pulls out all the relevent data we need from the policy
function Format-CAPDetails {
$UserPolicies = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.Conditions.users
DisplayName = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.DisplayName
IncludeUsers = $UserPolicies.IncludeUsers | % {
if (!($_ -eq "All")) {
Get-MGUser -UserId $_
else {
IncludeGroups = $UserPolicies.IncludeGroups | % {
$MGGroup = Get-MgGroup -GroupId $_ -Property Members | select *
DisplayName = $Mggroup.DisplayName
Members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupID $MGgroup.Id -All
ExcludeUsers = $UserPolicies.ExcludeUsers | % { Get-MGUser -UserId $_ }
ExcludeGroups = $UserPolicies.ExcludeGroups | % {
$MGGroup = Get-MgGroup -GroupId $_
DisplayName = $Mggroup.DisplayName
Members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupID $MGgroup.Id -All
GrantControls = ($_.GrantControls.CustomAuthenticationFactors, $_.GrantControls.BuiltInControls) | where { $_ }
# Performs the Whatif
function Test-CAUserConditions {
foreach ($User in $MGUser) {
$PoliciesThatApply = ($Policies |
where {
($User.Id -in $ -or $User.Id -in $ -or $_.IncludeUsers -eq "All") -and
($User.Id -notin $
$PoliciesThatWillNotApply = ($Policies |
where {
-not (
($User.Id -in $ -or $User.Id -in $ -or $_.IncludeUsers -eq "All") -and
($User.Id -notin $
switch ($PoliciesThatApply.GrantControls) {
"" { $MFAEnforced = $False }
default { $MFAEnforced = $true }
DisplayName = $User.DisplayName
UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName
PoliciesThatApply = $PoliciesThatApply.DisplayName -join ", "
PoliciesThatWillNotApply = $PoliciesThatWillNotApply.DisplayName -join ", "
MFAEnforced = $MFAEnforced
# I've filtered out for some policy info here just in my use case
# You could also just use Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy | Format-CAPDetails
$CAPolicies = Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy | where {($_.GrantControls.CustomAuthenticationFactors,$_.GrantControls.BuiltInControls) -like "*mfa*" -and $_.state -like "*enabled*"} | Format-CAPDetails
# Probably a better way of doing this :/
$AllEnabledTenantUsers = Get-Mguser -All -Property AccountEnabled,displayname,mail,UserPrincipalName,Id | select displayname,mail,UserPrincipalName,AccountEnabled,Id | where {$_.accountEnabled} | select displayname,mail,UserPrincipalName,Id
Test-CAUserConditions $AllEnabledTenantUsers -Policies $CAPolicies | Export-CSV $OutFilePath -NoTypeInformation
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