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Created July 19, 2024 17:10
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function Get-IPRangeFromCIDR {
# Set up empty list to contain the calculated range
$IPList = [System.Collections.Generic.list[object]]::new()
# split out input to IP and CIDR and calculate the num,ber of addresses with the power of MATH
$startIP, [int]$CIDR = $Range -split "/"
$NumberOfAddresses = [Math]::Pow(2, (32 - $CIDR))
# Get IP bytes, reverse it and convert bytes it to UInt32 for start and end addresses
$StartIPBytes = ([ipaddress]$startIP).GetAddressBytes()
$StartIP = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($StartIPBytes, 0)
$EndIPBytes = [ipaddress]::Parse(($startIP) + ($NumberOfAddresses)).GetAddressBytes()
$EndIP = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($EndIPBytes, 0)
# Increase the start address int untill it equals the end INT parsing the IP to string and adding it to the list
while ($startIP -lt $endIP) {
return $IPlist
function Invoke-PingSweep {
$allMachines = Get-IPRangeFromCIDR -Range $CIDRRange
$Results = $allMachines | % {
Name = $_
DNS = []::GetHostEntryAsync($_)
Ping = (New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping).SendPingAsync($_, 600)
$HealthReport = $results | % {
Name = $_.Name
DNSName = $_.DNS.Result.HostName
IPAddress = $_.Ping.Result.Address.IPAddressToString
Status = $(
switch ($_.Ping.Result.Status) {
"Success" {"Online"}
"TimedOut" {"Offline"}
default {"Unknown"}
LastSeen = $(
switch ($_.Ping.Result.Status) {
"Success" {(((Get-Date).AddHours(2)).ToString("MM.dd.yyy h:mm:ss tt"))}
return $HealthReport | where {$_.status -ne "Offline"}
Write-Host "[$(get-date)] Started ping scan on $($env:CIDR)"
Invoke-PingSweep $env:CIDR
Write-Host "[$(get-date)] Finished ping scan on $($env:CIDR)"
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