Importing a script from external script:
// script.js
export const something = "foo";
// importing
import {something} from "script.js"
Importing a style from an external style, with @sheet
Importing a script from external script:
// script.js
export const something = "foo";
// importing
import {something} from "script.js"
Importing a style from an external style, with @sheet
- What information does this feature expose, and for what purposes?
It does not expose information.
- Do features in your specification expose the minimum amount of information necessary to implement the intended functionality?
async function after_next_paint() { | |
const p = document.createElement("p"); | |
p.innerText = "1" | | = "rotateX(90deg)"; | | = "none"; | | = "fixed"; | | = "0"; | | = "0"; | |
p.setAttribute("elementtiming", "foo"); | |
document.body.append(p); |
const track = new PerformanceTrack(); | |
// At some point | |
track.mark(name); | |
// At some other point | |
track.mark(name); | |
// Combines mark->mark as a single entry with duration | |
track.measure(name); |
const next_frame = () => Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(ts => resolve(ts)); | |
async function get_img_presentation_time(img) { | |
// Wait until image is fully loaded | |
await new Promise(resolve => img.complete ? resolve() : img.addEventListener("load", resolve)) | |
let frame_timestamp = await next_frame(); | |
// Wait until we have the frame timestamp soonest after the image was decoded. |
const events = []; | |
let current_dequeue_end = 0; | |
function dequeue() { | |
// Ready to process, will send all current events. | |
current_dequeue_end = events.length; | |
fetchLater(makeURL(events)).then(({activated}) => { | |
if (activated) { | |
// Success, remove processed sub-array from the array and reset the index. | |
events.splice(0, current_deque_end); | |
current_dequeue_end = 0; |
(function() { | |
let pending_loaf_entries = []; | |
let pending_event_entries = []; | |
let timeout_handle = null; | |
const combined_map = new Map(); | |
function print() { | |
const entries = [...combined_map.entries()].sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration); | |
console.log([loaf, event]) => { | |
let longest_script = null; |
function hasPendingIncomingTransition() { } | |
function isRenderBlocked() { } | |
function continueIncomingTransition() { } | |
let hasSeenFold = false; | |
let lastFoldCheckTime =; | |
const FoldCheckThrolttle = 100; | |
function didSeeFold() { | |
if (hasSeenFold || !hasPendingIncomingTransition()) |