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Last active February 25, 2025 10:11
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Markdown with PlantUML

How to use PlantUML with Markdown

PlantUML is a really awesome way to create diagrams by writing code instead of drawing and dragging visual elements. Markdown is a really nice documentation tool.

Here's how I combine the two, to create docs with embedded diagrams.

Step 0: Setup

Get the command-line PlantUML from the download page or your relevant package manager.

Step 1: Create a Markdown file

Use your favorite markdown or text editor. Most (if not all) developer-oriented text editors have some kind of markdown support.

Remember that md files can contain html, and that html is passed-through to the generated html as-is.

When you want to embed a diagram, create a hidden div: <div hidden>.

Now start a code block by indenting or typing 3 backticks. The first line of the code block must be @startuml followed by a file name (with no extension). The following lines should be the actual diagram code, ending with @enduml. End the code block and close the div.

Finally, to actually show the diagram in the document, add an image in markdown: ![](firstDiagram.svg). The name must be the same name as in the @startuml command, with a .svg extension.

All together now

Regular **Markdown** here.

<div hidden>
@startuml firstDiagram

Alice -> Bob: Hello
Bob -> Alice: Hi!


Some more markdown.

Step 2: Run PlantUML on the Markdown file

On the command line:

plantuml -tsvg FILENAME

Where FILENAME is the name of the markdown file.

For every PlantUML block in the file, one svg diagram is generated. When the markdown to html converter is running, the html will contain image links to the generated images.

Step 3: Convert locally to HTML or upload to GitHub

If you host the files in GitHub (or other services that convert md to html on the fly), the last step is uploading or pushing the files. Make sure to include everything: the markdown and the generated diagrams.

Otherwise, use your favorite tool for converting markdown to html - a markdown editor or a command line tool.

Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

Regular Markdown here.

@startuml firstDiagram

Alice -> Bob: Hello
Bob -> Alice: Hi!


Some more markdown.

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My approach is to use a code block with language plantuml (then the vscode extensionPlantUML renders it in the preview)
and replace the code block with an image at build time.


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yarons commented Sep 21, 2023

I created a GitHub Actions to deploy Markdown with PlantUML using Material MkDocs directly to GitHub Pages:

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<details></details> could possibly be your help

Regular **Markdown** here.


@startuml firstDiagram

Alice -> Bob: Hello
Bob -> Alice: Hi!


Some more markdown.
$ plantuml -t svg

$ plantuml --version
PlantUML version 1.2023.11 (Thu Sep 14 03:26:33 JST 2023)
(GPL source distribution)
Java Runtime: OpenJDK Runtime Environment
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Default Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en
Country: JP


Dot version: dot - graphviz version 9.0.0 (20230911.1827)
Installation seems OK. File generation OK

Wtih Obsidian

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roppa commented Apr 29, 2024

This is great. Thanks for sharing!

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kfiry77 commented Aug 26, 2024

I created this GitHub Action to processes files, converts them to .md files, and embeds PlantUML diagrams using an external PlantUML server. It is designed to be an out-of-the-box solution, requiring minimal configuration.

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Another alternative officially supported by GitHub is mermaid

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verhas commented Sep 7, 2024

I just wanted to give an update on my previous comment, which was three years old. I have developed Jamal, and now you can edit a Markdown file with the Jamal preprocessor in IntelliJ WYSIWYG, so you immediately see the rendered document, including the diagrams. You can also use KROKI with it, which means you can use not only PlamtUML but also more than 10 different text-based diagramming tools.

Using just Mermaid is simpler, though it is GitHub specific. To use Jamal you need some setup (just unzip a file into a directory and restart IntelliJ), and you will have your edited and the generated file.

URL to this tool is still

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