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Created November 6, 2011 01:08
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指定したURLの内容からジャンルをベイズ推定: groovy bayes.groovy <url>
* ベイジアンフィルタのサンプル(Groovyバージョン)
* 元ネタ) 機械学習 はじめよう 第3回 ベイジアンフィルタを実装してみよう
* 分かち書きにはGomokuを利用
* gomoku-0.0.4.jarをダウンロードし、~/.groovy/lib か <GROOVY_HOME>/lib にコピーしておく
* 学習ソースとしてWikipediaのテキストをJsoupで取得
import net.reduls.gomoku.Tagger
import net.reduls.gomoku.Morpheme
@Grab(group='org.jsoup', module='jsoup', version='1.6.1')
import org.jsoup.*
def url //ジャンル判定対象
if(args && args[0]) {
url = args[0]
println "Invalid URL: ${url}"
} else {
println "Usage: groovy bayes.groovy <url>"
vocabularies = [] as Set
wordcount = [:].withDefault{ [:].withDefault{0} }
catcount = [:].withDefault{0}
def getwords(sentence){
def result = Tagger.parse(sentence)
//def words = result*.find{ it.feature =~ /名詞|動詞|形容詞|形容動詞|感動詞|副詞|連体詞/ }.surface
def words = result*.find{ it.feature =~ /名詞/ }.surface
return words.collect{ it.toLowerCase() }
def wordcountup(word, cat){
wordcount[cat][word] += 1
vocabularies << word
def catcountup(cat){
catcount[cat] += 1
def train(doc, cat){
word = getwords(doc)
word.each{ w ->
wordcountup(w, cat)
def priorprob(cat){
return catcount[cat] / catcount.values().sum()
def incategory(word, cat){
if( wordcount[cat].containsKey(word) ) {
//println "Hit word=${word}, cat=${cat}, count=${wordcount[cat][word]}"
return wordcount[cat][word]
else return 0
def wordprob(word, cat){
def prob = (incategory(word, cat) + 1.0) /
(wordcount[cat].values().sum() + vocabularies.size())
return prob
def score(word, cat){
score = Math.log( priorprob(cat) )
word.each{ w ->
score += Math.log(wordprob(w, cat))
return score
def classifier(doc){
def best = ''
def max = Integer.MIN_VALUE
word = getwords(doc)
catcount.each{ catkey,catval ->
def prob = score(word, catkey)
//println "${catkey}=>${prob}: ${doc}"
if(prob > max) {
max = prob
best = catkey
return best
def getOrRestore(name, tmp){
def file = new File("${tmp}/${name}Exp.txt")
return file.text
} else {
def exp = Jsoup.connect("${URLEncoder.encode(name,'UTF-8')}").get().text()
file.withWriter{ it.print exp }
return exp
def home = System.getProperty('user.home')
def tmp = home + '/tmp'
def pythonExp = getOrRestore('Python', tmp)
train(pythonExp, 'Python')
def rubyExp = getOrRestore('Ruby', tmp)
train(rubyExp, 'Ruby')
def groovyExp = getOrRestore('Groovy', tmp)
train(groovyExp, 'Groovy')
def words = Jsoup.connect(url).get().text()
println "${url} => 推定カテゴリ: ${classifier(words)}"
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nobusue commented Nov 6, 2011

学習ソースはWikipediaからスクレイピングして ~/tmp/ 以下にキャッシュしています。

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