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Created January 26, 2025 08:38
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Explorer Chart
<script setup>
import { computed, watch, ref, reactive, defineAsyncComponent, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'
import { useDashboardStore } from '@/stores/dashboard'
import { useTrends } from '@/use/useTrends'
import event from '@/plugins/event'
import { useDisplay } from 'vuetify'
import VueApexCharts from 'vue3-apexcharts'
const Correlations = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/Trends/Correlations.vue'))
const RotateScreenPrompt = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/RotateScreenPrompt.vue'))
const { mdAndDown } = useDisplay()
const promptRotate = ref(false)
const dashboardStore = useDashboardStore()
const { nonComparableOptions, comparableOptions, chartMonths, getExplorerData } = useTrends()
const loading = ref(false)
const facilityIds = computed(() => dashboardStore.getFacilityIds)
const groupId = computed(() => dashboardStore.getGroupId)
const dashboardKpis = computed(() => dashboardStore.getDashboardKpis)
const lkpi = computed(() => dashboardStore.getlkpi)
const rkpi = computed(() => dashboardStore.getrkpi)
const lkpiObj = computed(() => {
if (lkpi.value && dashboardKpis.value.length) {
return dashboardKpis.value.find(k => k.chart_id == lkpi.value)
return null
const rkpiObj = computed(() => {
if (rkpi.value && dashboardKpis.value.length) {
return dashboardKpis.value.find(k => k.chart_id == rkpi.value)
return null
let abortController = null
let activeCallId = 0
let corr = reactive({})
const chartKey = ref(0)
const chartOptions = ref({
chart: {},
grid: {
show: false
xaxis: {
axisBorder: {
show: false,
axisTicks: {
show: false
yaxis: {
show: false
const chartSeries = ref([])
const showCorrelation = computed(() => lkpi.value && rkpi.value)
const updateSeries = ({ charts }) => {
let final = []
const { leading, compare } = charts
const comparable = Object.keys(compare).length > 0
name: comparable ? lkpiObj.value.title : 'This Year',
type: 'column',
key: lkpiObj.value.value,
data: => ({
x: m,
y: leading[m].value,
if (comparable) {
name: rkpiObj.value.title,
type: 'column',
key: rkpiObj.value.value,
data: => ({
x: m,
y: compare[m].value,[m]
} else {
name: '% Last Year',
type: 'line',
key: lkpiObj.value.value,
data: => ({
x: m,
y: leading[m].delta_pct,
chartSeries.value = final
const scaling = (comparable) => {
chartOptions.value = comparable ? comparableOptions : nonComparableOptions
const lData = chartSeries.value[0] => {
if (d.format == 'string') return parseInt(d.y.split(d.split_value)[d.split_value_index])
return d.y ? parseFloat(d.y) : null
}).filter(k => k != null)
const rData = chartSeries.value[1] => {
if (d.format == 'string') return parseInt(d.y.split(d.split_value)[d.split_value_index])
return d.y ? parseFloat(d.y) : null
}).filter(k => k != null)
const maxFactor = comparable ? 1.05 : 1
const minFactor = 0.95
const lMin = Math.min(...lData) * minFactor
const lMax = Math.max(...lData) * maxFactor
const rMin = Math.min(...rData) * minFactor
const rMax = Math.max(...rData) * maxFactor
const min = Math.min(lMin, rMax) * minFactor
if (comparable) {
chartOptions.value = {
yaxis: [
show: false,
max: lMax,
min: lMin == 0 ? min : lMin,
show: false,
max: rMax,
min: rMin == 0 ? min : rMin
} else {
chartOptions.value = {
yaxis: [
show: false,
max: lMax,
min: lMin,
show: false,
const loadData = async () => {
const callId = ++activeCallId
loading.value = true
try {
abortController = new AbortController()
const signal = abortController.signal
const params = {
leading_dash: lkpiObj.value?.dashboard_id,
leading_chart: lkpiObj.value?.chart_id,
dashboard_id: rkpiObj.value ? rkpiObj.value.dashboard_id : null,
chart_id: rkpiObj.value ? rkpiObj.value.chart_id : null,
months: chartMonths.value.join(','),
const data = await getExplorerData(signal, params)
if (callId === activeCallId) {
const { charts, correlations } = data
if (correlations) corr = correlations
if (charts) updateSeries({ charts })
} catch (e) {
if (e.message !== 'canceled' && callId === activeCallId) {
} finally {
if (callId === activeCallId) {
loading.value = false
abortController = null
const abort = () => {
if (loading.value && abortController) {
try {
console.log(`Cancelled pending API call`)
} catch(e) {
console.error(`Error cancelling pending API Call`, e)
watch([lkpi, rkpi], ([ln, rn]) => {
if (ln || rn) loadData()
}, { immediate: true })
watch([facilityIds, groupId], () => {
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<template lang="pug">
rotate-screen-prompt.mb-4(v-if="mdAndDown", v-model="promptRotate"), :loading="loading", width="100%")
Correlations(v-if="showCorrelation" :loading="loading" :correlations="corr")
vue-apex-charts(:key="chartKey", height="560" :options="chartOptions", :series="chartSeries")
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