These Scripts will install NGINX with the RTMP Module in the usual directories similar to installation with apt-get.
The RTMP-Server you get with this can then be used to do one ore more of the following:
- deliver streams in a local network
- deliver streams to websites similar to youtube
- transcode rtmp streams to hls video
- publish to multiple streaming providers
- record livestreams to a harddrive
- many, many more: Check the Docs on Nginx RTMP-Module
And it also runs flawless on the Raspberry Pi 4!
If git is not present, install it: Download Git
Get the Scripts:
git clone install_nginx
Change into the directory:
cd install_nginx
Then Run the main Script:
Publish from OBS or another Streaming-Device to the following URL (where hostname is the Name or IP of your server).
If you have an api-key for example to publish to youtube, either set it in your OBS or alter the URL like so:
This script installs a rtmp-config which accepts Livestreams and accepts client-connections to play them.
By default the following options are disabled in the configuration file nginx.conf but you can enable and alter them according to your scenario:
If you enable the push option, every published stream will also be pushed to the provided server, by default youtube.
The second option is very handy if you want to Livestream into the internet but have to also Stream into another Room/Location at your site where an audience is watching.
The command after exec_publish will be executed when starting a livestream and will be killed on stop.
The Command can be altered to start the VLC-Window on another device if you use it with ssh.
To get this running you will have to do some things first, replace username and remote-client with the values fitting your setup:
sudo -u www-data ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
sudo -u www-data ssh-copy-id username@remote-client
After that you can enable an option similar to this:
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" user@remote-client "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && vlc -f --video-on-top --no-video-title-show --mouse-hide-timeout 1 rtmp://localhost/live/$name";
To see what the Scripts do exactly or what the config means, look into the Files below.
Just figured it out. There are several options for executing a script in Linux, I chose 'sudo sh' and it worked!