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Last active April 20, 2017 17:00
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Strengths & Storytelling Reflection

  • Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes changed?

My top five strengths were: empathy, learner, input, adaptability, and relator. I feel that these strengths were very accurate, but I don't think I realized how to leverage them or that some of them were even strengths. I'm still working through how to best leverage these strengths, but I think the one that my perception has changed the most on is empathy. I've started making an effort to check-in with people when I notice they are struggling or that something is not right. I use to believe that anyone could make that effort with others, but now realize that many others might not notice someone struggling as quickly as I can.
Another strength that I am thinking of differently now is input. This works in close conjunction with learner and I now see my need to collect random trivia and know little facts about everything as a strength to embrace and not a parlor trick that has no use.

  • How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? Where are you stronger now than on day 1?

I have grown so much from day one. I find myself checking my thought process on a regular basis to see if I am thinking with a growth or fixed mindset and then taking steps to mitigate my fixed mindsets. This can take the form of affirmations that I am good enough to be an awesome developer or a reminder to myself that everytime I struggled with difficult concept in the past, I have overcome that struggle and learned from it. I find myself much more willing to dive into the deep end of a topic I don't understand so I can better understand it.

  • Considering how you describe these themes, how do you want others to see you as you continue to progress through Turing?

As someone that can be relied on when times are tough. I want fellow students to feel comfortable reaching out to me to vent, without just complaining. Then I would like to work with them to channel that frustration to productive avenues. I'd also like to be seen as someone who is eager to learn new things with other people along for the ride.

  • How might these themes play a role in describing your Turing story?

I think they will describe me as someone who is open to work with people from all over the developer spectrum. My turingstory will be one of overcoming struggle with perserverance and the help of the community. I want to make sure that this is a two way street and I am also playing that support and teaching role for others.

  • Even though your Turing story isn't finished yet, what do you envision for your development in future mods? How will this story end?

I see myself becoming stronger in my ability to learn by working closely with others. I'm looking forward to mod 2 and pairing with incoming mod 1 students. Before my time at Turing is done, I plan on being seen as an exceptional developer with a great ability to coach those at an earlier learning level and learn from those at a greater level.

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