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Created October 28, 2014 07:09
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Определение цены товара
$item_id = intval($item_id);
$item = $libCatalogProduct->GetByIDEx($item_id);
$currency_code = 'RUB';
$picture = null;
// Получаем цену товара или товарного предложения
if(CCatalogSku::IsExistOffers($item_id)) {
// Для товарных предложений просто не показываем цену
$final_price = null;
// Пытаемся найти цену среди торговых предложений
$res = CIBlockElement::GetByID($item_id);
if($ar_res = $res->GetNext()) {
if(isset($ar_res['IBLOCK_ID']) && $ar_res['IBLOCK_ID']) {
$offers = CIBlockPriceTools::GetOffersArray(array(
'IBLOCK_ID' => $ar_res['IBLOCK_ID'],
), array($item_id));
foreach($offers as $offer) {
// Ищем фото
if(isset($offer['DETAIL_PICTURE']) && (int)$offer['DETAIL_PICTURE'] > 0 ) {
$picture = $offer['DETAIL_PICTURE'];
$offer_price_info = CatalogGetPriceTableEx($offer['ID']);
if($offer_price_info && isset($offer_price_info['AVAILABLE']) && $offer_price_info['AVAILABLE'] == 'Y') {
if(isset($offer_price_info['MATRIX'])) {
$price_info = array_pop($offer_price_info['MATRIX']);
$price_info = array_pop($price_info);
if($price_info['PRICE'] && intval($price_info['PRICE']) > 0) {
if($final_price == null || intval($price_info['PRICE']) < $final_price) {
$final_price = intval($price_info['PRICE']);
if(isset($price_info['CURRENCY']) && $price_info['CURRENCY'] != '') {
$currency_code = $price_info['CURRENCY'];
} else {
// У товара нет товарных предложений, значит находим именно его цену по его скидкам
$price = CCatalogProduct::GetOptimalPrice(
// array arPrices = array()[,
// string siteID = false[,
// array arDiscountCoupons = false]]]]]]
if(!$price || !isset($price['DISCOUNT_PRICE'])) {
if(isset($price['CURRENCY'])) {
$currency_code = $price['CURRENCY'];
if(isset($price['PRICE']['CURRENCY'])) {
$currency_code = $price['PRICE']['CURRENCY'];
$final_price = $price['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
$link = $item['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] . $recommended_by;
if($picture == null) {
$picture = $item['DETAIL_PICTURE'] ?: $item['PREVIEW_PICTURE'];
if($currency_code != $base_currency) {
$final_price = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($final_price, $currency_code, $base_currency);
$currency_code = $base_currency;
if ($picture === null) {
$file = $libFile->ResizeImageGet($picture, array(
'width' => Options::getImageWidth(),
'height' => Options::getImageHeight()
$html .= '<div class="recommended-item">
<div class="recommended-item-photo"><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' . $file['src'] . '" class="item_img"/></a></div>
<div class="recommended-item-title"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $item['NAME'] . '</a></div>
' . ( $final_price ? '<div class="recommended-item-price">' . CCurrencyLang::CurrencyFormat($final_price, $currency_code, true) . '</div>' : '') . '
<div class="recommended-item-action"><a href="' . $link . '">' . GetMessage('REES_INCLUDE_MORE') . '</a></div>
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