- In Feedback Hub, click "Add new Feedback"
- Choose "Microsoft Edge" as the category
- Choose "Website issues" as the sub-category
- Click "Recreate my problem"
- Ensure that both checkboxes are checked ("include data" and "include screenshots")
- Click "Start capture"
- Reproduce the issue
- Click "Stop capture" in Feedback Hub
- Click "Submit and upvote"
- Download the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT) via the Windows ADK: http://aka.ms/adk
- Close Edge/IE completely (in case you had F12 open, which can change the performance characteristics)
- Open Edge/IE
- Navigate to the URL
- Run Windows Performance Recorder (WPRUI.exe)
- Click "More options"
- Enable the following options:
- First-level triage
- CPU usage
- Edge Browser (or "Internet Explorer" for IE)
- HTML Responsiveness Analysis
- Change "Logging mode" from "Memory" to "File" (tends to preserve ETW events better)
- Click "Start" to start recording
- Reproduce the scenario (page load, website interaction, etc.)
- Click "Save" to save the ETL file
- Zip the ETL file to save space
- Open the ETL or the zipped ETL file in Windows Performance Analyzer (wpa.exe)
- Click Trace -> Load Symbols
- Click Profiles -> Apply -> Browse Catalog -> HtmlResponsivenessAnalysis.wpaProfile
- Use the "Frame Analysis" tab to analyze CPU usage