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Created July 31, 2020 08:54
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Many faces of isOrderedTree – code to the talk (extended version)
-- Many faces of isOrderedTree
-- Code to the talk (extended version)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
module Tree where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable
data T a = L | N (T a) a (T a) deriving (Show, Foldable)
isOrdered1 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered1 = everynode (\l x r -> all (<= x) (elems l) && all (>= x) (elems r))
everynode :: (T a -> a -> T a -> Bool) -> T a -> Bool
everynode p = go
go L = True
go (N l x r) = p l x r && go l && go r
elems :: T a -> [a]
elems L = []
elems (N l x r) = elems l ++ [x] ++ elems r
-- isOrdered2 = everynode p
-- where p = …
-- inline where
-- inline p
isOrdered2 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered2 = go
go L = True
go (N l x r) =
all (<= x) (elems l) &&
all (>= x) (elems r) &&
go l &&
go r
-- allElems p t = all p (elems t)
allElems :: (a -> Bool) -> T a -> Bool
allElems p L = True
allElems p (N l x r) = allElems p l && p x && allElems p r
-- replace all p elems with allElems p
isOrdered3 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered3 = go
go L = True
go (N l x r) =
allElems (<= x) l &&
allElems (>= x) r &&
go l &&
go r
-- Fuse allElems and go into a single traversal
isOrdered4 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered4 = go' (const True)
-- go' p t = allElems p t && go t
go' :: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> T a -> Bool
go' p L = True
go' p (N l x r) =
p x &&
go' (\y -> p y && y <= x) l &&
go' (\y -> p y && y >= x) r
isOrdered5 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered5 = go (Nothing, Nothing)
go _ L = True
go (lb, ub) (N l x r) =
maybe True (<= x) lb && maybe True (>= x) ub &&
go (lb, Just x) l && go (Just x, ub) r
-- starting from isOrdered2
isOrdered6 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered6 t = fst (go' t)
-- go' t = (go t, elems t)
go' :: Ord a => T a -> (Bool, [a])
go' L = (True, [])
go' (N l x r) =
let (go_l, elems_l) = go' l in
let (go_r, elems_r) = go' r in
( all (<= x) elems_l &&
all (>= x) elems_r &&
go_l &&
, elems_l ++ [x] ++ elems_r
isOrdered7 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered7 t = isJust (go' t)
-- (Bool, [a]) <-> Maybe [a]
-- (True, xs) <-> Just xs
-- (False, _) <-> Nothing
go' :: Ord a => T a -> Maybe [a]
go' L = Just []
go' (N l x r) = do
elems_l <- go' l
elems_r <- go' r
guard $ all (<= x) elems_l
guard $ all (>= x) elems_r
return $ elems_l ++ [x] ++ elems_r
isOrdered8 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered8 t = isJust (go' t)
-- only check minium/maximum
go' :: Ord a => T a -> Maybe [a]
go' L = Just []
go' (N l x r) = do
elems_l <- go' l
elems_r <- go' r
guard $ null elems_l || maximum elems_l <= x
guard $ null elems_r || minimum elems_r >= x
return $ elems_l ++ [x] ++ elems_r
isOrdered9 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered9 t = isJust (go' t)
-- only check head/last
go' :: Ord a => T a -> Maybe [a]
go' L = Just []
go' (N l x r) = do
elems_l <- go' l
elems_r <- go' r
guard $ null elems_l || last elems_l <= x
guard $ null elems_r || head elems_r >= x
return $ elems_l ++ [x] ++ elems_r
isOrdered10 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered10 t = isJust (go' t)
-- [a] <-> Maybe (a,a)
-- [] <-> Nothing
-- [x,…,y] <-> Just (x,y)
go' :: Ord a => T a -> Maybe (Maybe (a,a))
go' L = Just Nothing
go' (N l x r) = do
elems_l <- go' l
elems_r <- go' r
for_ elems_l $ \(_,y) -> guard $ y <= x
for_ elems_r $ \(y,_) -> guard $ y >= x
return $ elems_l <.> Just (x,x) <.> elems_r
Nothing <.> x = x
x <.> Nothing = x
Just (l,_) <.> Just (_,r) = Just (l,r)
-- from isOrdered6
isOrdered11 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered11 t = sortedList (go' t)
-- ∀ (b,xs). b = sortedList xs
-- note dropping of Ord constraint
go' :: T a -> [a]
go' L = []
go' (N l x r) = go' l ++ [x] ++ go' r
sortedList :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
sortedList [] = True
sortedList [x] = True
sortedList (x:y:zs) = x <= y && sortedList (y : zs)
-- difference list
isOrdered12 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered12 t = sortedList (go' t [])
go' :: T a -> ([a] -> [a])
go' L = id
go' (N l x r) = go' l . (x:) . go' r
-- now use Foldable
isOrdered13 :: Ord a => T a -> Bool
isOrdered13 = sortedList . toList
-- Now testing with Quickcheck
:load Tree Test ABC
:module Tree Test ABC Test.QuickCheck
quickCheck $ \t -> isOrdered1 t == isOrdered2 t
quickCheck $ \t -> isOrdered1 0 == isOrdered1 t
verboseCheck $ \t -> isOrdered1 t == isOrdered2 t
:set -XTypeApplications
verboseCheck $ \t -> isOrdered1 t == isOrdered2 @Int t
table (allFuns @Int)
:set -fobject-code -O
table (allFuns @Int)
table (allFuns @ABC)
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nomeata commented Aug 6, 2020

Oh, this isn’t actually the extended version – put it up at

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