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Created August 27, 2012 11:27
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t Reg;
#define RID_NONE 0x80
#define RID_MASK 0x7f
#define RID_SINK (RID_INIT-1)
#define RID_SUNK (RID_INIT-2)
#define ra_noreg(r) ((r) & RID_NONE)
#define ra_hasreg(r) (!((r) & RID_NONE))
/* The ra_hashint() macro assumes a previous test for ra_noreg(). */
#define ra_hashint(r) ((r) < RID_SUNK)
#define ra_gethint(r) ((Reg)((r) & RID_MASK))
#define ra_sethint(rr, r) rr = (uint8_t)((r)|RID_NONE)
#define ra_samehint(r1, r2) (ra_gethint((r1)^(r2)) == 0)
/* Spill slot 0 means no spill slot has been allocated. */
#define SPS_NONE 0
#define ra_hasspill(s) ((s) != SPS_NONE)
/* Combined register and spill slot (uint16_t in ir->prev). */
typedef uint32_t RegSP;
#define REGSP(r, s) ((r) + ((s) << 8))
#define REGSP_HINT(r) ((r)|RID_NONE)
#define regsp_reg(rs) ((rs) & 255)
#define regsp_spill(rs) ((rs) >> 8)
#define regsp_used(rs) \
(((rs) & ~REGSP(RID_MASK, 0)) != REGSP(RID_NONE, 0))
typedef uint8_t Status;
typedef uint32_t u32;
#define STATUS_TO_MOVE 0
#define STATUS_MOVED 2
Reg getTemp(RegSP dst) {
return 15; // TODO
void emitMove(Reg dest, Reg src) {
printf("\tr%d <- r%d\n", dest, src);
// Semantics of RegSP
// - if hasreg(...), then the value is definitely stored in
// that register.
// - if hasspill(...), then the value is definitely stored
// in that spill slot.
// - We can have both.
// The register assignment may change due to a rename. The snapshot
// restore code must take care of these cases.
// Here are the possible cases that we have to support:
// dst \ src | Reg(rS) | Spill(N) | Reg(rS) + Spill(N)
// -----------+-----------+------------+---------------
// Reg=rS | - | rS = sp[N] | -
// Reg=rD | rD = rS | rD = sp[N] | rD = rS if no writes to rS
// | | | rD = sp[N] if no writes to sp[N]
// -----------+-----------+------------+----------------
// Spill(N) | sp[N]= rS | - | -
// Spill(M) | sp[M]= rS | tmp=sp[N] | ...
// | | sp[M]=tmp |
// If dst has a register and a spill slot assigned it means we have to
// write it to both. In that case it's easier to emit the store and
// then treat it as a register-only target.
void moveOne(u32 i, u32 total, RegSP *dest, RegSP *source, Status *status) {
RegSP dst = dest[i];
RegSP src = source[i];
Reg destreg = regsp_reg(dst);
Reg srcreg = regsp_reg(src);
if (destreg != srcreg) {
status[i] = STATUS_MOVING;
// We want to emit a store "dest = src". This is only valid if we
// do not also want to emit a store to src later on. (Since we're
// generating code backwards, this store would execute before we
// reach this point.) Note: there can only be exactly one store
// for each target register.
for (int j = 0; j < total; ++j) {
if (regsp_reg(dest[j]) == srcreg) { // We found a store.
if (status[j] == STATUS_TO_MOVE) {
// We haven't tried moving that one, yet, so lets emit the
// code for that one first.
moveOne(j, total, dest, source, status);
} else if (status[j] == STATUS_MOVING) {
// We have discovered cyclic dependencies. We break the
// cycle by grabbing reading the source from a temporary
// register.
Reg dst2 = regsp_reg(dest[j]);
Reg tmp = getTemp(dst2);
emitMove(dst2, tmp);
dest[j] = tmp;
// Otherwise, we already processed the move. Nothing to do.
// Note: dest[i] may have changed.
Reg destreg = regsp_reg(dest[i]);
emitMove(destreg, srcreg);
#define COUNT 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
RegSP source[COUNT] = { 1, 3, 0, 2 };
RegSP dest[COUNT] = { 0, 1, 3, 2 };
Status status[COUNT];
for (i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) status[i] = STATUS_TO_MOVE;
printf("NOTE: Emitted code is in inverse order.\n\n");
for (i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
if (status[i] == STATUS_TO_MOVE)
moveOne(i, COUNT, dest, source, status);
return 0;
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