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Created July 25, 2020 17:55
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'use strict'
const sprintf = require( 'sprintf-js' ).sprintf
const moment = require( 'moment' )
const unicode_generalCategory = require( 'unicode-13.0.0/General_Category' )
const charCategoryMultipliers = [
0, // none
1, // latin letters
2 // other letters (japanese etc.)
const baseXPPerLetter = 0.11
const perMessageBaseXP = 0.65
const minLettersInMsg = 5
class ParsedText
get type() { return 'text' }
get text() { return this._text }
constructor( text )
this._text = text
class ParsedMention
get type() { return 'mention' }
get targetType() { return this._type }
get target() { return this._target }
constructor( type, target )
this._type = type
this._target = target
class ParsedEmote
get type() { return 'emote' }
get name() { return this._name }
get code() { return this._code }
constructor( name, code )
this._name = name
this._code = code
module.exports = class Parser
parseMessage( fulltext )
logSprintf( 'parse', 'Parsing:' )
console.log( fulltext )
let i = 0
let letters = 0
let parsed = {
xp: 0,
parts: []
let buffer = ''
let skipNext = false
while ( i < fulltext.length )
let multiplier = 0
const char = fulltext[i]
if ( char === '\\' && !skipNext )
// \ to escape special handling of next character
skipNext = true
if ( !skipNext )
if ( char === '"' && ( i + 2 < fulltext.length ) )
// quoted text (copy as-is until end)
let close = -1
let spos = i + 1
while ( spos && spos < fulltext.length )
close = fulltext.indexOf( '"', spos )
if ( ( close && fulltext[close - 1] !== '\\' ) || !close )
spos = 0
else if ( close )
spos = close + 1
if ( close > i )
if ( buffer.length ) new ParsedText( buffer ) )
buffer = fulltext.substr( i + 1, close - i - 1 ) new ParsedText( buffer ) )
buffer = ''
i = close + 1
else if ( char === '<' && ( i + 5 < fulltext.length ) )
const close = fulltext.indexOf( '>', i + 1 )
if ( ( fulltext[i + 1] === ':' || ( fulltext[i + 1] === 'a' && fulltext[i + 2] === ':' ) ) && close > i )
// emote
if ( fulltext[i + 1] === 'a' )
const emoteClose = fulltext.indexOf( ':', i + 2 )
if ( emoteClose > i && emoteClose < close )
const emoteName = fulltext.substr( i + 1, emoteClose - i )
const emoteNumber = fulltext.substr( emoteClose + 1, close - emoteClose - 1 )
if ( /^\d+$/.test( emoteNumber ) )
logSprintf( 'parse', 'emote: %s (%s)', emoteName, emoteNumber )
if ( buffer.length ) new ParsedText( buffer ) )
buffer = '' new ParsedEmote( emoteName, emoteNumber ) )
i = close + 1
else if ( ( fulltext[i + 1] === '@' || fulltext[i + 1] === '#' ) && close > i )
// mention (user, role, channel)
const mentionType = ( fulltext[i + 2] === '&' ? 'role' : fulltext[i + 1] === '#' ? 'channel' : 'user' )
const j = ( ( mentionType === 'role' || fulltext[i + 2] === '!' ) ? i + 2 : i + 1 )
const mentionNumber = fulltext.substr( j + 1, close - j - 1 )
if ( /^\d+$/.test( mentionNumber ) )
logSprintf( 'parse', 'mention: %s (%s)', mentionNumber, mentionType )
if ( buffer.length ) new ParsedText( buffer ) )
buffer = '' new ParsedMention( mentionType, mentionNumber ) )
i = close + 1
const category = unicode_generalCategory.get( fulltext.codePointAt( i ) )
if ( !skipNext && category.indexOf( 'Separator' ) >= 0 )
if ( buffer.length ) new ParsedText( buffer ) )
buffer = ''
skipNext = false
buffer += fulltext[i]
if ( ['Lowercase_Letter', 'Uppercase_Letter', 'Number'].includes( category ) )
multiplier = charCategoryMultipliers[1]
letters += 1
else if ( ['Other_Letter'].includes( category ) )
multiplier = charCategoryMultipliers[2]
letters += 2
parsed.xp += ( baseXPPerLetter * multiplier )
if ( buffer.length ) new ParsedText( buffer ) )
parsed.xp = ( letters >= minLettersInMsg ? ( perMessageBaseXP + parsed.xp ) : false )
return parsed
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