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Hundred and ten percent effort

Noora noorus

Hundred and ten percent effort
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BadMagic100 /
Last active March 20, 2025 15:54
Instructions to get a useful decompilation out of an il2cpp game. Or, "I spent hours to trial and error so hopefully you won't have to"

Decompiling IL2CPP Games with Il2CppDumper and Ghidra

This guide will walk through how to decompile/reverse engineer IL2CPP games for modding usage.

Note: expect this entire process to take upwards of an hour. Have something ready to do on the side while waiting for processing to finish.


  1. Download Il2CppDumper
daaximus / create_iso.cpp
Last active January 15, 2025 14:59
create iso using imapi
#include <string>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <imapi2fs.h>
void create_iso( std::wstring_view src, std::wstring_view iso_path )
IFileSystemImage* fsimg;
IFsiDirectoryItem* fsdir;
IFileSystemImageResult* fsresult;
EvanMcBroom /
Last active March 6, 2025 07:34
Position Independent Code and String Literals

Position Independent Code and String Literals

A common programming idiom when writing position independent code (PIC) is to expand a string literal into its individual characters when instantiating a local variable.

void f() {
    // Example 1: A normal instantiation with a string literal
    char a[]{ "a long string" };

 // Example 2: The Pic idiom for instantiating a string
roxlu / CMakeLists.txt
Last active March 9, 2023 07:11
CMake example that shows how you can build Freetype2 with support for Harfbuzz and Harfbuzz with support for Freetype2. This example uses ExternalProject which is the standard way to include external dependencies. Note that we have to patch Freetype2 and Harfbuzz because their CMakelists are not fully CMake compatible (still depend on pkg-config…
# This CMake file will build Freetype and Harfbuzz as external
# projects. We follow the build description as described here:
# So,
# first we build Freetype2 w/o Harfbuzz, then we build Harfbuzz with
# freetype support after which we rebuild Freetype2 again.
# Both CMake files of Freetype2 and Harfbuzz are depending on
# pkg-config to find the dependencies for both projects. I've
# included a patch for Freetype2 and Harfbuzz which allows you to
# build Freetype2 and Harbuzz with pure CMake features. So I removed
memoz / sjis-emoticons.txt
Created March 7, 2016 05:23
Randomly collected Shift-JIS emoticons
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
technobly / SparkPWM.cpp
Created January 8, 2014 08:13
SPARK CORE CUSTOM PWM FREQUENCY EXAMPLE Define your own frequency! PWM Glitch issue fixed!!
// Define your own frequency below!
// PWM Glitch issue fixed, only sets up PWM once,
// ... thereafter sets duty cycle.
// This allows true 0 - 100% PWM.
// Copy this into a new application at:
// and go nuts!