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Created February 21, 2009 16:56
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# vim: fileencoding=utf-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/scp'
require 'pit'
host = ''
conf = Pit.get(host, :require => {"username" => "username", "password" => "password"})
files = ['cs.rdf', 'file1', 'file2']
dest_dir = "/var/www/torisetsu/feeds"
Net::SSH.start(host, conf['username']) do |ssh|
# upload files to home directory on remote host
files.each{|f| ssh.scp.upload!(f, "~/", :preserve => true) }
puts "files have been copied."
prompt = "password:"
cmd = "sudo -p '#{prompt}' mv #{files.join(" ")} #{dest_dir}"
ssh.open_channel do |ch|
ch.exec(cmd) do |ch, success|
raise 'Error' unless success
ch.on_extended_data do |ch, type, data|
ch.send_data("#{conf["password"]}\n") if data =~ /#{prompt}/
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