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A naive database migration library for Korma.
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(ns example.migration | |
(:require [example.table-util :as u] | |
[korma.core :as k])) | |
;; We need a table to help us keep track of the schema version so | |
;; whenever we migrate or rollback we know where we are before | |
;; executing any migration code. | |
;; | |
;; The `create-schema-migrations-table` function is called whenever a | |
;; migration or rollback is executed to make sure we have something to | |
;; read from and write to. | |
(defn- create-schema-migrations-table | |
"Create a schema_migrations table." | |
[conn] | |
(u/create-table :schema_migrations | |
(k/database conn) | |
(u/column :version :varchar {:width 255 :null true}))) | |
;; While we could use Korma's defentity macro to create an entity for | |
;; our schema_migrations table, but we might run in to problems if there | |
;; are several connections open. By creating a function which takes a | |
;; connection as one of it's arguments we can ensure we create the | |
;; right entity for the right connection. | |
;; | |
;; (get-schema-migrations-entity :e db/dev) | |
;; | |
;; There is one catch to this however. When binding the result of | |
;; `get-schema-migrations-entity` to a symbol we must make sure this | |
;; symbol is the same as the name we give the entity. This is because | |
;; the `select` and `insert` macros use their first argument, the | |
;; entity, to look up the table information. So the given the | |
;; expression: | |
;; | |
;; (let [m (get-schema-migrations-entity :foo db/dev)] | |
;; (insert m (values {:version "10"})) | |
;; | |
;; will fail, or worse execute a query on the wrong table if it | |
;; exists. | |
(defn- get-schema-migrations-entity | |
[name-k conn] | |
(-> (k/create-entity name-k) | |
(k/database conn) | |
(k/table :schema_migrations))) | |
;; We then provide ourselves two functions which allow us to retrieve | |
;; and set the current schema version. | |
(defn- get-current-version | |
[conn] | |
(let [e (get-schema-migrations-entity :e conn)] | |
(-> (k/select e) last :version))) | |
(defn- set-current-version | |
[v conn] | |
(let [e (get-schema-migrations-entity :e conn)] | |
(k/insert e | |
(k/values {:version v})))) | |
;; And finally we need a little boiler plate for creating, finding, | |
;; and adding migrations. | |
(def empty-migration | |
{:db nil | |
:version nil | |
:up '() | |
:down '()}) | |
(defn make-migration | |
"Create a migration." | |
[version] | |
(assoc empty-migration :version (name version))) | |
(def migrations (atom [])) | |
(defn find-migration | |
[{:keys [version db]}] | |
(let [f #(and (= version (:version %)) | |
(= db (:db %)))] | |
(first (filter f @migrations)))) | |
(defn add-migration | |
[migration] | |
(let [m (find-migration migration)] | |
(if m | |
(let [i (.indexOf @migrations m)] | |
(swap! migrations assoc-in [i] migration)) | |
(swap! migrations conj migration)))) | |
;; ## The icing on the migrations cake | |
;; Migrations generally come in two pieces: "up" and "down". These | |
;; pieces contain the business logic for what to do when we migrate | |
;; the database "up" to the next version and "down" to a previous one. | |
;; | |
;; When we define a migration we want to ensure that we defer code | |
;; execution until the migration is actually run. To help us with this | |
;; we define two macros `up` and `down`. These macros store the | |
;; instructions in the migration map but ensure the code is not executed | |
;; when the macro is called by quoting it. | |
(defmacro up | |
"Add code to a migration to be executed during a forward (`migrate!`) | |
migration." | |
[migration & body] | |
`(assoc ~migration :up '(do ~@body))) | |
(defmacro down | |
"Add code to a migration to be executed during a backward (`rollback!`) | |
migration." | |
[migration & body] | |
`(assoc ~migration :down '(do ~@body))) | |
;; With the `up` and `down` macros we can easily define `defmigration` | |
;; which basically creates a migration, associates the up and down | |
;; information, and then adds it to the set of migrations. | |
;; | |
;; It's important to note the order you define migrations in matters. | |
;; For this reason you should keep all of your migration code under | |
;; in the same namespace or, if you're placing them in separate | |
;; namespaces, pay close attention to the order you require/load them | |
;; in. | |
(defmacro defmigration | |
"Create a new migration. | |
ex: (defmigration version-1 | |
(up | |
(u/create-table :bar)) | |
(down | |
(u/drop-table :bar)))" | |
[name up down] | |
`(-> (make-migration (keyword '~name)) | |
~up | |
~down | |
add-migration)) | |
(defn migrate! | |
"Migrate the database to the lastest version." | |
([] (migrate! nil)) | |
([conn] | |
(create-schema-migrations-table conn) | |
(let [v (get-current-version conn) | |
ms (if v | |
(rest (drop-while #(not= (:version %) v) @migrations)) | |
@migrations)] | |
(doseq [m ms] | |
(eval (:up m)) | |
(set-current-version (:version m) conn) | |
(println "Migrated to version" (:version m))) | |
(get-current-version conn)))) | |
(defn rollback! | |
"Rollback the database to the previous version." | |
([] (rollback! nil)) | |
([conn] | |
(create-schema-migrations-table conn) | |
(when-let [v (get-current-version conn)] | |
(let [m (find-migration {:version v})] | |
(do | |
(eval (:down m)) | |
(if (= (:version m) | |
(:version (first @migrations))) | |
(set-current-version nil conn) | |
(let [m (last (take-while #(not= (:version %) v) @migrations))] | |
(set-current-version (:version m) conn)))) | |
(println "Rolled back version" (:version m)))) | |
(get-current-version conn))) | |
(defn recreate! | |
"Reset the database by rolling back to the null version and then | |
migrating to the latest version." | |
([] (recreate! nil)) | |
([conn] | |
(let [ts (->> (k/exec-raw ["SHOW TABLES"] :results) | |
(mapcat vals))] | |
(do | |
(doseq [t ts] (u/drop-table t)) | |
(migrate!))))) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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(ns example.table-util | |
(:require [clojure.string :as s] | |
[korma.core :as k])) | |
;; # Column data types | |
(def ^{:doc "A set of numeric types recognized by MySQL."} | |
numeric-types | |
#{:bit :tinyint :bool :boolean :smallint :mediumint :int :integer | |
:bigint :serial :float :double :double-precision :dec :decimal | |
:fixed :numeric}) | |
(def ^{:doc "A set of date types recognized by MySQL."} | |
date-types | |
#{:date :datetime :timestamp :time :year}) | |
(def ^{:doc "A set of string types recognized by MySQL."} | |
string-types | |
#{:char :varchar :binary :varbinary :tinyblob :tinytext :blob :text | |
:mediumblob :mediumtext :longblog :longtext :enum :set}) | |
;; # Column flags | |
;; Given a column type and a value return an SQL column flag for use | |
;; with `create-table`. | |
;; | |
;; ex: (flag :order :asc)" | |
(defmulti flag (fn [t _] t)) | |
(defmethod flag :width [_ v] | |
(when v | |
(format "(%s)" (if (sequential? v) | |
(if (some string? v) | |
(s/join "," (map #(format "\"%s\"" (str %)) v)) | |
(s/join "," v)) | |
(str v))))) | |
(defmethod flag :order [_ v] | |
(condp = v | |
:asc " ASC " | |
:desc " DESC " | |
"")) | |
(defmethod flag :null [_ v] | |
(cond | |
(nil? v) "" | |
(false? v) " NOT NULL " | |
:else " NULL ")) | |
(defmethod flag :default [_ v] | |
(when v | |
(let [template (partial format " DEFAULT %s ")] | |
(if (string? v) | |
(template (format "\"%s\"" v)) | |
(template (str v)))))) | |
(defmethod flag :auto-increment [_ v] | |
(when v " AUTO_INCREMENT ")) | |
(defmethod flag :primary-key [_ v] | |
(when v " PRIMARY KEY ")) | |
(defmethod flag :uniqe-key [_ v] | |
(when v " UNIQUE KEY ")) | |
(defmethod flag :key [_ v] | |
(when v " KEY ")) | |
;; Numeric flags | |
(defmethod flag :unsigned [_ v] | |
(when v " UNSIGNED ")) | |
(defmethod flag :zerofill [_ v] | |
(when v " ZEROFILL ")) | |
;; String flags | |
(defmethod flag :binary [_ v] | |
(when v " BINARY ")) | |
(defmethod flag :ascii [_ v] | |
(when v " ASCII ")) | |
(defmethod flag :unicode [_ v] | |
(when v " UNICODE ")) | |
(defmethod flag :character-set [_ v] | |
(when v (format " CHARACTER SET %s " (name v)))) | |
(defmethod flag :collate [_ v] | |
(when v (" COLLATE %s " (name v)))) | |
(defmethod flag :default [_ _] | |
"") | |
;; ## Table and column templates | |
(defn make-table | |
[table action] | |
{:table (name table) | |
:action action | |
:db nil | |
:columns [] | |
:constraints [] | |
:options []}) | |
(defn- parse-column-type | |
[type opts] | |
(condp = type | |
:string [:varchar (assoc opts :width 255)] | |
:float [:float (let [{:keys [precision scale]} opts] | |
(if (and precision scale) | |
(assoc opts :width [precision scale]) | |
opts))] | |
:primary-key [:integer (assoc opts :primary-key true)] | |
:unique-key [:integer (assoc opts :unique-key true)] | |
:key [:integer (assoc opts :key true)] | |
[type opts])) | |
(defn- make-column | |
[column type opts] | |
(let [[type opts] (parse-column-type type opts) | |
{:keys [width order null default auto-increment primary-key unique-key key | |
unsigned zerofill | |
binary ascii unicode character-set collate | |
action]} opts] | |
{:column column | |
:type type | |
;; The column action. Can be one of :add, :drop, or :change. A | |
;; value of nil is for rendering column syntax during a CREATE | |
;; TABLE statement. | |
:action action | |
;; Data type flags | |
:width width | |
:order order | |
:null null | |
::default default ; Hack to work with multimethod | |
:auto-increment auto-increment | |
:primary-key primary-key | |
:unique-key unique-key | |
:key key | |
;; Numeric data type flags | |
:unsigned unsigned | |
:zerofill zerofill | |
;; String data type flags | |
:binary binary | |
:ascii ascii | |
:unicode unicode | |
:character-set character-set | |
:collate collate | |
})) | |
(defn- make-constraint | |
[constraint opts] | |
(let [{:keys [foreign-key references on-update on-delete action]} opts] | |
{:constraint constraint | |
:action action | |
:foreign-key foreign-key | |
:references references | |
:on-update on-update | |
:on-delete on-delete})) | |
;; ## Table and column functions | |
(declare do-column | |
render-table-statement | |
render-statement-then-exec) | |
(defn- append-column [table name type opts] | |
(update-in table [:columns] conj (make-column name type opts))) | |
(defn- append-constraint [table name opts] | |
(update-in table [:constraints] conj (make-constraint name opts))) | |
(defn add-column | |
([table name type] | |
(append-column table name type {})) | |
([table name type opts] | |
(append-column table name type (assoc opts :action :add)))) | |
(defn drop-column | |
[table name] | |
(append-column table name nil {:action :drop})) | |
(def remove-column drop-column) | |
;; TODO: Implement change-column | |
(defn add-constraint | |
[table name opts] | |
(append-constraint table name (assoc opts :action :add))) | |
(defn constraint | |
[table name opts] | |
(append-constraint table name opts)) | |
(defn column | |
"Given a table, column name, a column type, and a map of options | |
return a vector column spec for use in a `CREATE TABLE` query. | |
ex: (column table :score :float {:precision 4 :scale 2})" | |
([table name type] | |
(append-column table name type {})) | |
([table name type opts] | |
(append-column table name type opts))) | |
(defmacro create-table* | |
"Given a table name and columns specs, render a `CREATE TABLE` | |
statement but do not execute it." | |
[table & columns] | |
`(-> (make-table '~table :create) ~@columns render-table-statement)) | |
(defmacro create-table | |
"Given a table name and columns specs, render and run a `CREATE TABLE` | |
statement. | |
ex: (create-table :users | |
(k/database db/dev) | |
(column :id :primary-key) | |
(column :email :string))" | |
[table & columns] | |
(if (seq columns) | |
(render-statement-then-exec table columns :create) | |
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "At least one column must be given.")))) | |
(defn drop-table* | |
"Given a table render a `DROP TABLE` statement but do not execute it." | |
[table] | |
(format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" (name table))) | |
(defn drop-table | |
"Given a table render and execute a `DROP TABLE` statement." | |
[table] | |
(k/exec-raw [(drop-table* table)])) | |
(defmacro alter-table* | |
[table & columns] | |
`(-> (make-table '~table :alter) ~@columns render-table-statement)) | |
(defmacro alter-table | |
[table & columns] | |
(if (seq columns) | |
(render-statement-then-exec table columns :alter) | |
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "At least one column must be given.")))) | |
;; ## Rendering | |
(defn- column-action [a] | |
(condp = a | |
:add "ADD COLUMN " | |
:drop "DROP COLUMN " | |
:change "CHANGE COLUMN " | |
"")) | |
(defn- column-flags [c] | |
(let [num-flag (when (numeric-types (:type c)) | |
[:unsigned :zerofill]) | |
str-flag (when (string-types (:type c)) | |
(cond | |
(:binary c) :binary | |
(:ascii c) :ascii | |
(:unicode c) :unicode)) | |
key-flag (cond | |
(:primary-key c) :primary-key | |
(:uniqe-key c) :uniqe-key | |
(:key c) :key) | |
flags `[:width ~str-flag ~@num-flag :order :null ::default :auto-increment ~key-flag]] | |
(s/join (map #(flag % (c %)) flags)))) | |
;; Column rendering | |
(defn- ->column [c] | |
(let [action (:action c) | |
column-name (name (:column c)) | |
column-type (-> (:type c) | |
(name) | |
(s/upper-case) | |
(s/replace "-" " ")) | |
base (partial str (column-action action) column-name)] | |
(if (= :drop action) | |
(base) | |
(base " " column-type (column-flags c))))) | |
;; Constraint rendering | |
(defn- constraint-action [c] | |
(let [constraint (-> c :constraint name) | |
action (if (= :add (:action c)) | |
(format "%s %s " action constraint))) | |
(defn- constraint-fk [c] | |
(when-let [fk (:foreign-key c)] | |
(format "FOREIGN KEY (%s) " (name fk)))) | |
(defn- constraint-ref [c] | |
(when-let [[table column] (:references c)] | |
(format "REFERENCES %s(%s) " (name table) (name column)))) | |
(defn- constraint-on-flags [c] | |
(let [on-flag (fn [v] | |
(condp = v | |
:restrict "RESTRICT" | |
:cascade "CASCADE" | |
:set-null "SET NULL" | |
"NO ACTION")) | |
update-flag (on-flag (:on-update c)) | |
delete-flag (on-flag (:on-delete c))] | |
(format "ON UPDATE %s ON DELETE %s" update-flag delete-flag))) | |
(defn- ->constraint [c] | |
(let [f (juxt constraint-action | |
constraint-fk | |
constraint-ref | |
constraint-on-flags)] | |
(apply str (f c)))) | |
(defn render-table-statement [{:keys [table action columns constraints]}] | |
(letfn [(columns-and-constraints [] | |
(let [cs-1 (map ->column columns) | |
cs-2 (map ->constraint constraints)] | |
(s/join ", " (concat cs-1 cs-2))))] | |
(case action | |
:create (format "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)" table (columns-and-constraints)) | |
:alter (format "ALTER TABLE %s %s" table (columns-and-constraints)) | |
:drop (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" table)))) | |
(defn render-statement-then-exec [table columns action] | |
`(let [table-spec# (-> (make-table '~table ~action) | |
~@columns) | |
conn# (:db table-spec#) | |
query# [(render-table-statement table-spec#)]] | |
(if conn# | |
(k/exec-raw conn# query#) | |
(k/exec-raw query#)))) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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;; Example useage | |
(defmigration version-1 | |
(up | |
(create-table :sport | |
(database db/dev) | |
(column :id :primary-key {:null false, :auto-increment true}) | |
(column :name :string) | |
(column :slug :string))) | |
(down | |
(drop-table :sport))) | |
(defmigration version-2 | |
(up | |
(create-table :position | |
(database db/dev) | |
(column :id :primary-key {:null false, :auto-increment true}) | |
(column :sport_id :integer) | |
(column :name :string) | |
(column :abbreviation :string) | |
(constraint :FK_position_sport_id | |
{:foreign-key :sport_id, :references [:sport :id]}))) | |
(down | |
(drop-table :position))) | |
(migrate!) |
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