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Forked from RichieBzzzt/LocalDBInstall.ps1
Created September 13, 2017 10:51
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Function Test-DownloadUri {
Tests that a url is valid
Returns a status code from an http request of a url. Used to verify that download links work.
The url that we are checking is valid
Status code from an http response or null if link is invalid
$uri = ""
$status = Test-DownloadUri -uri $uri
if ($status -ne 200)
{Write-Error "oh dear"}
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $uri
$httpRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri)
try {
$httpResponse = $httpRequest.GetResponse()
$httpStatus = $httpResponse.StatusCode
If ($httpStatus -eq 200) {
Write-Verbose "Download link is OK." -Verbose
Else {
Write-Error "Download link no longer works."
Return $httpStatus
catch {
Write-Error "Download link no longer works."
Return $null
Function Install-NuGet {
Installs NuGet from the web.
Checks that NuGet is installed in given folder location. If it isn't it is downloaded from the web.
.PARAMETER WorkingFolder
Location that Nuget.exe is/isn't.
.PARAMETER NugetInstalluri
The url used to download Nuget.
NugetExe: the path to Nuget, irrespective of whether it was downloaded or already existed.
$NuGetPath = Install-NuGet -WorkingFolder $PsScriptRoot -NuGetInstallUri ""
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $WorkingFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $NuGetInstallUri
Write-Verbose "Working Folder : $WorkingFolder" -Verbose
$NugetExe = "$WorkingFolder\nuget.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path $NugetExe)) {
Write-Verbose "Cannot find nuget at path $WorkingFolder\nuget.exe" -Verbose
If (($LinkStatus = Test-DownloadUri -uri $NuGetInstallUri) -ne 200) {
Throw "It appears that download Nuget link no longer works. "
$sourceNugetExe = $NuGetInstallUri
Write-Verbose "$sourceNugetExe -OutFile $NugetExe" -Verbose
Invoke-WebRequest $sourceNugetExe -OutFile $NugetExe
if (-not (Test-Path $NugetExe)) {
Throw "It appears that the nuget download hasn't worked."
Else {
Write-Verbose "Nuget Downloaded!" -Verbose
Return $NugetExe
Function Get-LocalDb2016NuGet {
Get Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB from Nuget.
Downloads Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB from Nuget. This Nuget package is not official release from Microsoft.
Before we use Nuget, we use the function "Install-Nuget" to check is Nuget is installed in local folder.
.PARAMETER WorkingFolder
Location that Nuget.exe is/isn't.
Location that we want to download Nuget package to.
.PARAMETER NugetInstalluri
The url used to download Nuget.
.PARAMETER targetVersion
The version of the Nuget package we want to get.
Not mandatory - will download the latest if not included.
targetMsi: the path to Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi, irrespective of whether it was downloaded or already existed.
$targetMsi = Get-LocalDb2016NuGet -WorkingFolder $PsScriptRoot -NugetInstallUri "" -targetVersion "13.1.4001.0"
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $WorkingFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $NugetInstallUri,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $targetVersion
$NuGetPath = Install-NuGet -WorkingFolder $WorkingFolder -NuGetInstallUri $NugetInstallUri
$nugetInstallLocalDb = "&$NuGetPath install Microsoft.SQL.Server.2016.LocalDB -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory $WorkingFolder"
if ($targetVersion) {
$nugetInstallLocalDb += " -version $targetVersion"
else {
Write-Verbose "As no version target version of Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB, the latest version will be downloaded." -Verbose
Write-Verbose $nugetInstallLocalDb -Verbose
Invoke-Expression $nugetInstallLocalDb | Out-Null
$localDbInstallFolder = "$WorkingFolder\Microsoft.SQL.Server.2016.LocalDB"
if (-not (Test-Path $localDbInstallFolder)) {
Throw "It appears that the nuget install hasn't worked, check output above to see whats going on"
$targetMsi = Join-Path $localDbInstallFolder "SqlLocalDB.msi"
Return $targetMsi
Function Get-LocalDb2016 {
Get Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB from Microsoft website.
Downloads Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB from Microsoft website. The url was obtained by running Fiddler with https requests on when using SQL Server 2016 Express Installer.
Thisi s becauseMicrosoft have not published the download link anywhere.
.PARAMETER WorkingFolder
Location of where we want to download Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi
.PARAMETER checkNuget
A switch that can be used to check Nuget for package if the url does not work. See notes for more details.
.PARAMETER targetVersion
The version of the Nuget package we want to get.
Not mandatory - will download the latest if not included.
.PARAMETER NugetInstalluri
The url used to download Nuget.
Not mandatory because we may not want to/be able to use Nuget.
targetMsi: the path to Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi, irrespective of whether it was downloaded or already existed.
$tv = "13.1.4001.0"
$NugetUri = ""
$localDB = ""
$msi = Get-LocalDb2016 -WorkingFolder $PSScriptroot -downloadLocalDbUri $localDB -targetVersion $tv -checkNuget -NugetInstallUri $NugetUri -Verbose
Because the url from Microsoft is not official, it amy change from time to time, leading current known url invalid.
To anticiapte this we can check Nuget for a version that we can then download.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $WorkingFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $downloadLocalDbUri,
[switch] $checkNuget,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $targetVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $NugetInstallUri
Write-Verbose "Working Folder : $WorkingFolder" -Verbose
Write-Verbose "Target Version : $targetVersion" -Verbose
$targetMsi = Join-Path $WorkingFolder "Microsoft.SQL.Server.2016.LocalDB"
if (-not (Test-Path $targetMsi)) {
New-Item $targetMsi -type directory | Out-Null
[string]$targetMsi = Join-Path $targetMsi "SqlLocalDB.msi"
if (-not (Test-Path $targetMsi)) {
If (($LinkStatus = Test-DownloadUri -uri $downloadLocalDbUri) -ne 200) {
Write-Verbose "It appears that the download link is no longer working..." -Verbose
If ($CheckNuget) {
Write-Verbose "Checking Nuget for Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi..."
$targetMsi = Get-LocalDb2016NuGet -WorkingFolder $WorkingFolder -NugetInstallUri $NugetInstallUri -targetVersion $targetVersion
Else {
Throw "Cannot download Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi. Either add -CheckNuget switch or find the working url to download Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi."
try {
Write-Verbose "Downloading Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi..." -Verbose
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadLocalDbUri -OutFile $targetMsi -Verbose
catch {
Throw $_.Exception
Else {
Write-Verbose "Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi already downloaded." -Verbose
Return $targetMsi
Function Install-LocalDb2016 {
Install Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB on machine.
Checks to see if Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB is installed. If not will install.
If installed, will check version installed, and if it is less than the version we want to install, will install it.
Location of Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB msi.
.PARAMETER targetVersion
The version we want to install.
$tv = "13.1.4001.0"
$NugetUri = ""
$localDB = ""
$msi = Get-LocalDb2016 -WorkingFolder $PSScriptRoot -downloadLocalDbUri $localDB -targetVersion $tv -checkNuget -NugetInstallUri $NugetUri -Verbose
Install-LocalDb2016 -LocalDbMsiPath $msi -targetVersion $tv
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $LocalDbMsiPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $targetVersion
$registryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13E.LOCALDB\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion"
if ( -not (Test-Path $registryPath)) {
Write-Verbose "Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB not installed." -Verbose
$install = $true
else {
$registryProperties = Get-ItemProperty $registryPath
$sourceVersion = $registryProperties.CurrentVersion
if ($sourceVersion -lt $targetVersion) {
Write-Verbose "Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB requires upgrading." -Verbose
$install = $true
if ($install -eq $true) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB..." -Verbose
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $LocalDbMsiPath /q IACCEPTSQLLOCALDBLICENSETERMS=YES" -Wait | Out-Null
catch {
Throw "It appears LocalDB has not installed properly."
if ( -not (Test-Path $registryPath)) {
Write-Verbose "It appears that LocalDB has not installed." -Verbose
else {
Write-Verbose "SQL Server LocalDB Installed Successfully." -Verbose
else {
Write-Verbose "Microsoft SQL Server 2016 LocalDB already Installed." -Verbose
$loc = $PSScriptRoot
$tv = "13.1.4001.0"
$NugetUri = ""
$localDB = ""
$msi = Get-LocalDb2016 -WorkingFolder $loc -downloadLocalDbUri $localDB -targetVersion $tv -checkNuget -NugetInstallUri $NugetUri -Verbose
Install-LocalDb2016 -LocalDbMsiPath $msi -targetVersion $tv
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