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Last active January 26, 2023 10:28
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Istio on a local k3d cluster

Istio on a local k3d cluster

Sometimes it's more practical to have a local cluster for testing Istio stuff.


Install k3d. Tested on k3d 5.4.4, but it should work on the latest too:

curl -s | TAG=v5.4.4 bash

Add the following entries to /etc/hosts. Alternatively, configure your machine to resolve *.localhost to k3d-registry.localhost

Creating a container registry and a k3d cluster

k3d registry create registry.localhost --port 50000


k3d cluster create $CLUSTERNAME \
  --registry-use k3d-registry.localhost:50000 \
  --servers 1 \
  --agents 1 \
  --port 9080:80@loadbalancer \
  --port 9443:443@loadbalancer \
  --api-port 6443 \
  --k3s-arg --disable=traefik@server:0 \

Install Istio

kubectl config use-context k3d-$CLUSTERNAME

kubectl create ns istio-system
istioctl install --set profile=demo --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true  -y
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

If you are using a Mac M1 laptop (ARM64), you need to use an unofficial fix with m1-istio-config.yaml from devtools-repo. Might not be necessary in the future.

istioctl operator init
istioctl install -f m1-istio-config.yaml

Make sure istiod, istio-ingressgateway and istio-egressgateway are created in namespace istio-system. If you are facing issues - try changing istioctl version to 1.14.1. See for more information on M1.

Enable istio-injection

kubectl label <namespace> default istio-injection=enabled

How Push an docker image to the local registry

docker build . -t xxxx:latest
docker tag xxxx:latest k3d-registry.localhost:50000/xxxx:latest
docker push k3d-registry.localhost:50000/xxxx:latest
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