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Last active October 2, 2024 08:31
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Script to install zsh on Windows, without WSL
# This script installs or updates Zsh on Windows using Git Bash.
# It requires elevated privileges and the following commands:
# - git
# If Git is not installed, the script will stop.
# The script will:
# 1. Check if it is running with elevated privileges on Windows and stop if it is not.
# 2. Check if Git is installed and stop if it is not.
# 3. Automatically determine the latest version of zstd, download, and install it if it is not available and Zsh needs to be installed or updated.
# 4. Emit help text with usage and requirements if any checks fail.
# 5. Avoid duplicate entries in .bashrc for setting Zsh as the default shell.
# 6. Only install Oh My Zsh if it is not already installed.
# 7. Proceed with the Zsh installation and update process if all checks pass.
# Function to display help text
display_help() {
echo "Usage: ./"
echo ""
echo "This script installs or updates Zsh on Windows using Git Bash."
echo "It requires elevated privileges and the following commands:"
echo " - git"
echo ""
echo "Steps to run the script:"
echo "1. Open Git Bash as an administrator."
echo "2. Navigate to the directory where you saved the script."
echo "3. Make the script executable: chmod +x"
echo "4. Run the script: ./"
exit 1
# Function to check if the script is running with elevated privileges on Windows
check_admin() {
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" || "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then
net session > /dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as an administrator."
# Function to check if Git is installed
check_git_installed() {
if ! command -v git &> /dev/null; then
echo "Git is not installed or not in the PATH."
# Function to download and install the latest zstd if not available
install_zstd() {
if ! command -v zstd &> /dev/null; then
echo "zstd is not installed. Downloading and installing the latest zstd..."
LATEST_ZSTD_URL=$(curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*" | cut -d '"' -f 4)
unzip -d zstd
cp zstd/zstd.exe "$GIT_INSTALL_DIR/usr/bin/"
rm -rf zstd
# Check for elevated privileges
# Check if Git is installed
# Define variables
# Download the Zsh package page
echo "Downloading Zsh package page..."
curl -L -o zsh_page.html $ZSH_PAGE_URL
# Extract the latest Zsh version from the page
LATEST_ZSH_VERSION=$(grep -oP 'zsh-\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' zsh_page.html | head -n 1)
echo "Installed Zsh version: $INSTALLED_ZSH_VERSION"
echo "Latest Zsh version: $LATEST_ZSH_VERSION"
# Compare versions and download if necessary
if version_greater "$LATEST_ZSH_VERSION" "$INSTALLED_ZSH_VERSION"; then
echo "Updating Zsh to version $LATEST_ZSH_VERSION..."
# Ensure zstd is installed
ZSH_DOWNLOAD_URL=$(grep -oP '[^"]+\.pkg\.tar\.zst' zsh_page.html | head -n 1)
curl -L -o zsh.pkg.tar.zst $ZSH_DOWNLOAD_URL
# Extract Zsh package using tar
echo "Extracting Zsh package..."
tar -I zstd -xvf zsh.pkg.tar.zst -C "$GIT_INSTALL_DIR"
# Clean up
echo "Cleaning up..."
rm zsh.pkg.tar.zst
echo "Zsh is already up to date."
# Clean up the downloaded page
rm zsh_page.html
# Set Zsh as the default shell if not already set
if ! grep -q 'exec zsh' ~/.bashrc; then
echo "Setting Zsh as the default shell..."
echo 'if [ -t 1 ]; then exec zsh; fi' >> ~/.bashrc
echo "Zsh is already set as the default shell in .bashrc."
# Install Oh My Zsh (optional)
if [ ! -d "$HOME/.oh-my-zsh" ]; then
echo "Installing Oh My Zsh..."
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
echo "Oh My Zsh is already installed."
echo "Zsh installation completed!"
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