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Created July 29, 2009 12:00
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# -*- Mode: Perl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
use Modern::Perl;
use CDDB;
use Config::Std { def_sep => '=' };
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Std;
use Readonly;
use Term::Menu;
# * need examples of 'Various Artists' data from Freedb to implement
# multiple artists code
# * validate option r, provide menu when multiple rips can be restarted
# * bash completion for -r
# use Data::Dumper;
$| = 1;
Readonly my $LEAD_OUT_TRACK => 162;
Readonly my $DETAILS_FILE => 'details.conf';
// "${ENV{'HOME'}}/Music/rips";
Readonly my $EDITOR => $ENV{'RIP_EDITOR'}
// 'vi';
Readonly my %DEFAULT_TRACK_TAGS => (
title => '',
Readonly my %DEFAULT_ALBUM_TAGS => (
compilation => 'false',
album => '',
artist => '',
year => '1970',
disk => '1/1',
my %option;
getopts( 'dr:t', \%option );
# clean up afterwards
if ( defined $option{'d'} && defined $option{'r'} ) {
system "/bin/rm -rf ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${option{'r'}}";
if ( !defined $option{'r'} ) {
# if we aren't resuming an existing rip, first fetch the CD details
# from freedb and write them to a file
my $cddb_details = get_disk_cddb_details();
$option{'r'} = $cddb_details->{'discid'};
say '-> ' . $option{'r'};
# create the working directory, save the details to a file and allow
# the user to edit the details
mkdir "${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${option{'r'}}"
or die "mkdir: $!";
chdir "${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${option{'r'}}";
write_details_to_config( $cddb_details );
system "${EDITOR} ${DETAILS_FILE}";
# after ripping the tracks eject the CD, as we are done with it
rip_tracks_from_cd( $cddb_details );
system "drutil eject";
# confirm before continuing to convert the files
print "
Before continuing, ensure you have:
* made any required modifications to the source audio
(splitting tracks, etc.)
* entered the correct titles, artists, years, etc. into the
description file
* scanned the cover image and saved it as 'cover.jpg'
Pressing [^C] now will interrupt this process. You can always return
to the job later with the command 'rip -r ${option{'r'}}'.
my $continue = <>;
else {
chdir "${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${option{'r'}}"
or die "chdir: $!";
read_config $DETAILS_FILE, my %config;
if ( !defined $option{'t'} ) {
convert_tracks_to_aac( \%config );
relocate_wav_files( \%config );
tag_converted_tracks( \%config );
print "
Done. You can delete the directory once the rip has been confirmed with
the command: 'rip -dr ${option{'r'}}'.
sub get_disk_cddb_details {
my $cddbp = CDDB->new()
or die $!;
# get the disk information
my $disk;
my @disk_toc = calculate_disk_toc();
my @disk_info = $cddbp->calculate_id( @disk_toc );
my @disks = $cddbp->get_discs(
# choose from multiple matches:
if ( 0 < $#disks ) {
my $count = 0;
my %menu;
foreach my $option ( @disks ) {
my $id = $option->['1'];
my $title = $option->['2'];
my $menu = chr( ord('a') + $count );
$menu{ $count } = [ $title, $menu ];
my $options = Term::Menu->new(
beforetext => 'Multiple matches - choose from the following:',
aftertext => '',
tries => 0,
my $answer = $options->menu( %menu );
$disk = $disks[ $answer ];
# single or zero matches:
else {
$disk = pop @disks;
my $result = $cddbp->get_disc_details( $disk->['0'], $disk->['1'] );
# if no data was retrieved, create a dummy entry
if ( !defined $result ) {
$result = {
discid => $disk_info['0'],
dtitle => 'Unknown Artist / Unknown Album'
foreach my $track ( @{ $disk_info['1'] } ) {
push @{ $result->{'ttitles'} }, "Track $track";
return $result;
sub write_details_to_config {
my $details = shift;
my %config;
my( $artist, $title ) = extract_info_from_title( $details->{'dtitle'} );
foreach my $tag ( keys %DEFAULT_ALBUM_TAGS ) {
$config{''}{ $tag } = $DEFAULT_ALBUM_TAGS{ $tag };
$config{''}{'artist'} = $artist;
$config{''}{'album'} = $title;
$config{''}{'year'} = $details->{'dyear'}
if defined $details->{'dyear'};
$config{''}{'genre'} = $details->{'genre'}
if defined $details->{'genre'};
my $various_artists = is_various_artists( $details );
if ( $various_artists ) {
$config{''}{'artist'} = "Various Artists";
$config{''}{'original_artist'} = $artist;
my $current_track = 1;
foreach my $track ( @{ $details->{'ttitles'} } ) {
my $track_number = sprintf '%02d', $current_track;
foreach my $tag ( keys %DEFAULT_TRACK_TAGS ) {
$config{ $track_number }{ $tag } = $DEFAULT_TRACK_TAGS{ $tag };
if ( $various_artists ) {
my ( $artist, $title ) = get_artist_and_title( $track );
$config{ $track_number }{'artist'} = $artist;
$config{ $track_number }{'title'} = $title;
else {
$config{ $track_number }{'title'} = $track;
write_config %config, $DETAILS_FILE;
# massage the default output of Config::Std a little
local $/;
my $handle = FileHandle->new( $DETAILS_FILE, 'r' );
my $contents = <$handle>;
undef $handle;
# remove extraneous blank lines
$contents =~ s{\n\n}{\n}gs;
# blank lines before tracks
$contents =~ s{\n\[}{\n\n[}gs;
# add a comment to the first track
my $comment = "# tracks can also over-ride options, such as:\n"
. "# artist = <track artist>\n"
. "# genre = <track genre>\n"
. "# year = <track year>\n";
$contents =~ s{^(.*?\n)\[}{${1}${comment}\[}s;
$handle = FileHandle->new( $DETAILS_FILE, 'w' );
print {$handle} $contents;
sub extract_info_from_title {
my $text = shift;
my $artist_title_split_regexp = qr{
(.*) # artist
[ ] [/] [ ]
(.*) # album title
if ( $text =~ $artist_title_split_regexp ) {
return $1, $2;
return $text, '';
sub is_various_artists {
my $details = shift;
# check each track
foreach my $track ( @{ $details->{'ttitles'} } ) {
my ( $artist, $track ) = get_artist_and_title( $track );
if ( !defined $artist ) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_artist_and_title {
my $track = shift;
my $split_by_slash = qr{
(?<title> .* )
(?<artist> .* )
if ( $track =~ $split_by_slash ) {
return( $+{'artist'}, $+{'title'} );
return( undef, $track );
sub rip_tracks_from_cd {
my $details = shift;
my $number_of_tracks = $#{ $details->{'ttitles'} } + 1;
print "\nRIPPING:\n";
foreach my $track ( 1 .. $number_of_tracks ) {
print "$track. " . $details->{'ttitles'}->[$track-1] . "\n";
system "cdparanoia -qP ${track} ${track}.wav";
sub convert_tracks_to_aac {
my $config = shift;
my $tracks = count_tracks( $config );
print "CONVERTING: ";
# convert them to AAC
foreach my $track ( 1 .. $tracks ) {
# faac is giving weird echoes?
# system "faac -wQ --mpeg-vers 4 -q 500 ${track}.wav";
system "afconvert -f m4af -d aac -s 3 -u vbrq 127 ${track}.wav";
print ".";
print "\n";
sub tag_converted_tracks {
my $details = shift;
print "TAGGING: ";
foreach my $track ( 1 .. count_tracks( $details ) ) {
# remove artwork, otherwise it is not properly replaced
my $command_line = '--artwork REMOVE_ALL';
system "atomic-parsley ${track}.m4a ${command_line} >/dev/null";
# apply new metadata
$command_line = get_atomic_parsley_options( $details, $track );
system "atomic-parsley ${track}.m4a ${command_line} >/dev/null";
print ".";
print "\n";
sub open_conversion_directory {
system "open -a Finder .";
sub relocate_wav_files {
my $details = shift;
print "RELOCATING WAVs: ";
mkdir 'wavs';
my $number_of_tracks = ( scalar keys %{ $details } )- 1;
foreach my $track ( 1 .. $number_of_tracks ) {
rename "${track}.wav", "wavs/${track}.wav"
or die "Cannot rename: $!";
print ".";
print "\n";
sub get_atomic_parsley_options {
my $details = shift;
my $track = shift;
my $track_number = sprintf '%02d', $track;
my %options;
my $tracks = count_tracks( $details );
my $command_line = "--overWrite --tracknum ${track}/${tracks} ";
# album-wide options
foreach my $option ( keys %{ $details->{''} } ) {
if ( 'artist' eq $option ) {
$options{'albumArtist'} = $details->{''}{ $option };
$options{'artist'} = $details->{''}{ $option };
else {
$options{ $option } = $details->{''}{ $option };
# over-ride with per-track options
foreach my $option ( keys %{ $details->{ $track_number } } ) {
$options{ $option } = $details->{ $track_number }{ $option };
# add options to command line string
foreach my $option ( keys %options ) {
$command_line .= qq{--$option "${options{ $option }}" };
# add artwork if it exists
if ( -f "cover.jpg" ) {
$command_line .= "--artwork cover.jpg";
return $command_line;
sub calculate_disk_toc {
my @toc;
my $lead_out;
my $current_track = 1;
my $handle = FileHandle->new( "cdparanoia --query 2>&1 |" )
or die "$!";
while ( my $line = <$handle> ) {
my $current_track_regexp = qr{
track_num [ ] = [ ] ${current_track} [ ]
start [ ] sector [ ] \d+ [ ] msf: [ ]
my $lead_out_track_regexp = qr{
track_num [ ] = [ ] ${LEAD_OUT_TRACK} [ ]
start [ ] sector [ ] \d+ [ ] msf: [ ]
if ( $line =~ $current_track_regexp ) {
push @toc, "$current_track $1 $2 $3";
elsif ( $line =~ $lead_out_track_regexp ) {
$lead_out = "999 $1 $2 $3";
push @toc, $lead_out;
return @toc;
sub count_tracks {
my $config = shift;
# count the tracks based upon config entries only
my $tracks = 0;
foreach my $key ( keys %{ $config } ) {
next if '' eq $key;
return $tracks;
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