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Last active August 4, 2024 11:26
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Duplex Regnum Christi
graph TD
    A["`_Duplex Regnum Christi_:
    'The Twofold Kingdom of Christ'`"]

    A --> B["`_Regnum Personale_ (Personal Rule)
    **Mediatorial kingdom that Christ rules as _Theanthropos_**`"]
    A --> C["`_Regnum Essentiale_
    (Essential Rule)
    **Universal kingodm that Christ rules as _Logos_**`"]

    B --> SP["`_Regnum Spirituale_
    (Spiritual Kingdom)`"]

    SP --"`(epoch 1) 
    begins with the _pactum salutis_ (counsel of peace)`"--> E["`_Regnum Gratiae_ 
    (Kingdom of Grace')
    Reign in the church and among the elect`"]
    SP --"`(epoch 2)
    begins on the day of judgement`"--> F["`_Regnum Gloriae_ 
    (Kingdom of Glory)
    Eternal reign in new heaven and earth`"]
    B --"`begins with the encoronation of Christ`"--> H["`_Regnum Potentiae_ 
    (Kingdom of Power)
    Reign over entire universe`"] --"`ends on day of judgement`"--> F

    C --> G["`_Regnum Naturale_
    (Natural Kingdom)
    Rule over the whole earth`"]
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