Last active
December 24, 2015 11:29
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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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execute pathogen#infect() | |
set nocompatible | |
filetype plugin on | |
filetype indent on | |
set guifont=Consolas:h10.2:cANSI | |
set guioptions+=LlRrbmT | |
set guioptions-=LlRrbmT | |
set encoding=utf-8 | |
set laststatus=2 | |
syntax on | |
set noswapfile | |
set number | |
set hidden | |
set cursorline | |
set mouse=a | |
set autoindent | |
set si | |
set history=1000 | |
set noexpandtab " tabs are tabs, not spaces | |
set shiftwidth=4 | |
set tabstop=4 | |
set ignorecase | |
set incsearch | |
set hlsearch | |
set noshowmatch | |
set wildmode=longest,list,full | |
set wildmenu | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start " backspace for dummys | |
set t_Co=256 | |
set scrolljump=5 " lines to scroll when cursor leaves screen | |
set scrolloff=3 " minimum lines to keep above and below cursor | |
"set pastetoggle=<F12> " pastetoggle (sane indentation on pastes) | |
set completeopt=longest,menuone,preview "don't autoselect first item in omnicomplete,show if only one item(for preview) | |
"colorscheme solarized | |
let g:molokai_original = 1 | |
colorscheme molokai | |
set gdefault " the /g flag on :s substitutions by default | |
"inoremap <C-Space> <C-x><C-o> | |
"highlight Pmenu ctermbg=238 gui=bold | |
set makeprg=build | |
set errorformat=\ %#%f(%l\\\,%c):\ %m | |
"Java anonymous classes. Sometimes, you have to use them. | |
"set cinoptions+=j1 | |
"set tags=/home/jason/workspace/LateRoomsAndroidClient | |
"Make window smaller | |
"map - <C-W>- | |
"Make window bigger | |
"map = <C-W>+ | |
map <F6> <C-W>w | |
map <F7> :NERDTreeToggle<cr> | |
"This is the default value, setting it isn't actually necessary | |
let g:OmniSharp_host = "http://localhost:2000" | |
let g:OmniSharp_timeout = 10 | |
"Set the type lookup function to use the preview window instead of the status line | |
let g:OmniSharp_typeLookupInPreview = 1 | |
map <F12> :call OmniSharp#GotoDefinition()<cr> | |
nnoremap gd :call OmniSharp#GotoDefinition()<cr> | |
nnoremap tt :OmniSharpFindType<cr> | |
nnoremap mm :OmniSharpFindSymbol<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>fi :call OmniSharp#FindImplementations()<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>fu :call OmniSharp#FindUsages()<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>tt :call OmniSharp#TypeLookup()<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>rl :call OmniSharp#ReloadSolution()<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>b :call OmniSharp#Build()<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>ss :call OmniSharp#StartServer()<cr> | |
"I find contextual code actions so useful that I have it mapped to the spacebar | |
nnoremap <space> :call OmniSharp#GetCodeActions()<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>nm :call OmniSharp#Rename()<cr> | |
nnoremap <S-A-L> :NERDTreeFind<cr> | |
nnoremap <C-S> :w<cr> | |
inoremap <C-S> <esc>:w<cr> | |
let g:OmniSharp_BufWritePreSyntaxCheck = 1 | |
let g:OmniSharp_CursorHoldSyntaxCheck = 1 | |
"Don't ask to save when changing buffers (ie when jumping to a type definition) | |
set hidden | |
set ffs=dos,unix | |
" Supertab settings | |
nnoremap <C-C> :q<cr> |
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