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How to approve OpenShift operator upgrade using CLI

Install the operator using the Manual approval strategy, see the attached screenshot.

An install plan has been created but not executed as it has not been approved:

oc get installplan -n openshift-logging
NAME            CSV                                    APPROVAL   APPROVED
install-dq68d   clusterlogging.4.5.0-202007012112.p0   Manual     false
$ oc get installplan -n openshift-logging -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: InstallPlan
    creationTimestamp: "2020-07-14T00:02:42Z"
    generateName: install-
    generation: 1
    name: install-dq68d
    namespace: openshift-logging
    - apiVersion:
      blockOwnerDeletion: false
      controller: false
      kind: Subscription
      name: cluster-logging
      uid: 4d6cffb5-9bcf-40ca-b88b-fef829d21051
    resourceVersion: "3483661"
    selfLink: /apis/
    uid: 570a99f9-212c-4b0b-8c9d-aefda026ceda
    approval: Manual
    approved: false
    - clusterlogging.4.5.0-202007012112.p0
    generation: 1

Approve the installation of the operator by updating the approved field of the InstallPlan:

$ oc patch installplan install-dq68d \
    --namespace openshift-logging \
    --type merge \
    --patch '{"spec":{"approved":true}}'

Check that the operator has been installed:

$ oc get csv -n openshift-logging
NAME                                   DISPLAY                  VERSION                 REPLACES   PHASE
clusterlogging.4.5.0-202007012112.p0   Cluster Logging          4.5.0-202007012112.p0              Succeeded
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TiloGit commented Jan 7, 2022

here how to find the one which need to be approved:

##find which one need approval
oc get ip -n my-project -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.spec.approved==false)]}'
#here how to approve all (if batch approval is desired
oc patch installplan $(oc get ip -n my-project-o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.spec.approved==false)]}') -n my-project --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"approved":true}}'

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