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  • Save notTag/4a60598d018124c9ac4a7b1f3e2bac9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save notTag/4a60598d018124c9ac4a7b1f3e2bac9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Process for setting up github pages with namecheap domain.
1. Go to, select and buy domain name.
2. Login to namecheap, go to username drop down and select dashboard.
3. Go to DomainList
4. Click manage button
5. Click Advanced DNS tab
6. Click add record and add three records:
Type: A Record | Host: @ | Value: | TTL: Automatic
Type: A Record | Host: @ | Value: | TTL: Automatic
Type: CNAME Record | Host: www | Value: | TTL: Automatic
NOTE: CNAME record value must have a '.' at the end of it.
7. Click Save changes.
8. Go to github project (or make new one) and add file called CNAME. In it add the domain name you just purchased. I found that if I didn't add "www" in the beginning then I could access it through "" which would redirect to the namecheap domain but not directly through the namecheap domain. So remember to add "www" in the beginning of the CNAME file!
8. Add an index.html to your projects root.
9. Go to project settings>Github Pages>Source and change it from none to master branch. Save.
9. Enjoy!
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jordanrw commented May 2, 2024

I cannot make it to enforce HTTPS, anyone can help?

Somewhat similarly, I'm not able to access the website without typing in www before the domain. If I just go to the domain without anything in the front or with https:// then it won't connect.

Has anyone else had this issue?

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Thank youu

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I have the same issue there is just a blank screen being shown nothing else except the title

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