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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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ISDA Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) hash. Takes 20 digit LEI to a 10 digit Unique Trade Identifier (UTI) prefix
import math
import func
# These coincide with the choices hardwired into the spreadsheet provided to ISDA, so don't change them
ISDA_PRIME = 59575553
def _avoidReserved( s ):
""" Avoid clash with reserved namespace used by CFTC """
DIGITS = '0123456789'
if (s[0] in DIGITS) and (s[1] in DIGITS) and (s[2] in DIGITS):
# If s starts with three digits we make one of them alpha-numeric
if s[3] in '0123456789ABC':
pos = 0
elif s[3] in 'DEFGHIJKLMNOP':
pos = 1
pos = 2
# What to substitute?
j = ISDA_PERMITTED_CHARS.index( s[pos] ) + 12
s = s[:pos] + sub + s[pos+1:]
if (s[0]=='E') and (s[1] in DIGITS) and (s[2] in DIGITS):
s = 'X' + s[1:] # Avoid ESME's reserved space
return s
def leiHash( lei, permittedChars = ISDA_PERMITTED_CHARS ):
""" Shorten 20 character alpha-numeric Legal Entity Identifier into 10 character alpha-numeric "short LEI" that
can be used as a Unique Trade Identifier (UTI) prefix. The algorithm is simply the modulo operation lifted from
integers to the space of alpha-numeric case-insensitive strings.
s str (length 20 typically)
str (length 10)
# This will break a combination of issuer and firm identifiers into two eight char strings, compress each down to five, and join
# LEI = LEI Issuer (4 char alphanumeric)" ++ "2 reserved characters always same" 00 ++ firm identifier (12 char alphanumeric) + 2 check digits.
if len(lei)==20:
issuer = lei[:4]
firm = lei[6:18]
leiWithoutRedundantChars = issuer + firm
leiWithoutRedundantChars = lei
h = len( leiWithoutRedundantChars )/2
firstHalf = leiWithoutRedundantChars[:h]
secondHalf = leiWithoutRedundantChars[h:]
firstHalfHash = _primeHash( s = firstHalf, newLen = 5, prime = ISDA_PRIME, permittedChars = permittedChars )
secondHalfHash = _primeHash( s = secondHalf, newLen = 5, prime = ISDA_PRIME, permittedChars = permittedChars )
firstHalfHash = _avoidReserved( firstHalfHash )
return firstHalfHash + secondHalfHash
def leiHashCollisionProbability( nLei, nPermittedChars = 36, firstPrime = ISDA_PRIME, secondPrime = ISDA_PRIME ):
""" Probability of at least one collision if (>=20 character) LEI's are drawn from uniform distribution with replacement nLei times """
nPossibilities = firstPrime*secondPrime
return 1- math.exp( -nLei*(nLei-1.)/(2.*nPossibilities) )
def _powersModP( nPermittedChars, p ):
""" Cached powers of nPermittedChars mod p """
return [ pow( nPermittedChars, k ) % p for k in xrange( 25 ) ]
def _intFromAlphaModP( s, permittedChars = ISDA_PERMITTED_CHARS, p = ISDA_PRIME ):
""" Convert alpha-numeric to integer modulo p """
# We merge the operations of converting to an int and taking mod p not because python can't handle large numbers, which
# it does perfectly well, but to make translation to Excel/VBA straightforward. {n^k mod p} are cached for the same reason,
# and are hardwired in the VBA version provided to ISDA.
i = 0
nPermittedChars = len( permittedChars )
for k, char in enumerate( reversed(s) ):
digit = permittedChars.find( char )
i += _powersModP( nPermittedChars, p )[k]*digit
i = i % p
return i
def _alphaFromInt( i, permittedChars = ISDA_PERMITTED_CHARS ):
""" Convert back again
reserved int The CFTC has reserved the first three characters for their prefixes. To avoid clashes we don't allow digits there.
# (This is an injection from 0..PRIME into the subset of alpha-numeric strings THAT don't begin with three digits)
a = ''
nPermittedChars = len( permittedChars )
while i:
a = permittedChars[i % nPermittedChars] + a
i = i // nPermittedChars
if not a:
a = permittedChars[0]
return a
def _primeHash( s, permittedChars = ISDA_PERMITTED_CHARS, prime = ISDA_PRIME, newLen = 5 ):
""" Hash case-insensitive string to one of shorter length by applying modulus operation """
# (Doesn't really have to be a prime)
nPermittedChars = len( permittedChars )
if pow( nPermittedChars, newLen ) < prime:
raise ValueError("You may wish to choose a larger prime so the map from integers mod p to alpha-numeric strings is an injection")
iModP = _intFromAlphaModP( s, permittedChars = permittedChars, p = prime )
alf = _alphaFromInt( iModP, permittedChars )
return alf.ljust( 5, 'Z' )
GEEK_EXPLANATION = r""" The modulo operation lifted from integers to alpha-numeric strings """
The idea behind the scheme for shortening a 20 character Legal Entity identifier to an 10-character
"Short Legal Entity Identifier" (SLEI) is essentially modulo arithmetic.
If LEI's were just digits ...
First imagine that LEI's were 20 digit numbers instead of 20 digit alpha-numeric strings. A poor
scheme would take the remainder modulo 10,000,000,000 (that is, keep subtracting 10,000,000,000 from
out 20 digit number until it is less than 10,000,000,000 and hence a 10 digit number at most). This
would not be wise, as it is equivalent to only using the last ten digits of our 20 digit LEI. If two
LEI's differed only in the first ten digits they will evidently have the same SLEI.
... We'd do the following:
To fix this, we would instead choose a large prime number P close to but less than 10,000,000,000 and divide by
that instead. Thus if LEI's were composes only of digits we could say:
SLEI = LEI modulus P
i. If we change any one digit of the LEI the SLEI will change.
ii. If we change (only) two digits of the LEI the SLEI will change.
iii. If we change any *nine* digits of the LEI the SLEI will change.
Thus for two LEI's to have the same LEI they must differ in at least ten of the twenty digits. Simple
schemes for incrementing LEI's (and so forth) are unlikely to lead to collisions.
Since LEIs are alpha-numeric we make minor changes
The algorithm here is essentially just "SLEI = LEI modulus P" with a few superficial changes.
a) Because we are using alpha-numeric strings, not just digits, we convert from the former to the latter
b) We take advantage of the following redundancies in LEIs:
- Characters 5,6 are always the same
- Characters 19,20 are check-sum digits
We throw these characters away prior to encoding
c) To avoid arithmetic involving large integers (which is troublesome in Excel, which some users might like to use)
we split the non-redudant sixteen characters into two groups of eight, compress each to five, and then combine.
d) The CFTC has reserved some UTI prefixes, namedly those whose first three characters are digits (running 000-999). We avoid these.
Collision probabilities
Probability of a clash for one million LEI's is 0.000140864907758 or 1 in 7099.0
Probability of a clash for ten million LEI's is 0.0139887312515 or 1 in 71.0
LEI's are not randomly chosen however. Indeed issuer and firm identifiers are presumably unique. So this calculation
overstates the actual collision probability.
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