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Last active July 6, 2019 19:54
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Amazing facts about Lambert
lambert_facts = ['Lambert was born the son of a tailor, and was expected by his father to continue in that profession.',
'Lamberts early fight for his education is a remarkable story---he had to sell drawings and writings to his classmates to buy candles for night study,',
'Lambert produced fundamental discoveries in cartography, despite being self-educated.', 'Lambert influenced hygrometry, pyrometry, pure mathematics and statistics.',
'Lambert was more famous as a philosopher than as a mathematician.', 'The Lambert projection is still in use in cartography.',
'Lambert was the first person to prove that pi is irrational.', 'Proofs that it is impossible to square the circle leaned on insights from Lambert.',
'Lambert found a series solution to the trinomial equation, by hand calculation.', 'Lamberts technique for solving general series reversion techniques was a forerunner to the Langrange Inversion Theorem.',
'Lambert discovered an expression for x raised to itself an arbitrary number of times.', 'The Lambert function is used for stability analytis fo delay differential equations.',
'The Lambert function can be used to count rooted, labelled trees.', 'The Lambert function is used to model water movement in soil.',
'The Lambert function solves Wiens displacement law.', 'Studies of combustion use the Lambert function.', 'Epidemics, such as Ebola, can be modelled using the Lambert function.',
'The amount of fuel consumed by a commercial aeroplane can be modelled by the Lambert function.', 'The Lambert function has been used to study education levels.',
'Amazingly, nobody has proved that the Lambert function is not elementary, that is, built form a finite number of exponentials, logarithms, constants and nth roots.',
'An obscure paper by Bierens and de Haan in 1867 claims an integral expression for the Lambert function. But this has proved hard to track down.',
'Lambert was the first to conjecture that pi and e are transcendental.', 'The Lambert Theorem states that the path of rotation of a parabola tangent triangle passes through the parabolas focus.',
'The great mathematician Langrange declared that Lamberts geometric discovery was the most beautiful result in cometary orbits he had ever seen.',
'Lambert developed non-Euclidean geometry long before Bolyai and Lobachevsky',
'Until he was seventeen years old, Lambert held a position at an ironworks',
'Lambert embarked on a badly timed grand tour of Europe in 1756 - just as Prussia was invading Saxony.',
'The exponential decrease of the light in a beam passing through an absorbing medium of uniform transparency is often called Lambert''s law of absorption'', although Bouguer discovered it earlier.',
'Lambert''s cosine law'' states that the brightness of a diffusely radiating plane surface is proportional to the cosine of the angle formed by the line of sight and the normal to the surface',
'In 1760 Euler recommended Lambert for the position of Professor of Astronomy at St Petersburg Academy of Sciences',
'In a sense Lambert predicted galaxies and Black Holes. Lambert''s finite Universe is composed of galaxies, supergalaxies and even higher systems of stars all of which rotate around their respective centres; each of these centres is occupied by a regent, an immensely large, exceedingly dense and opaque body',
'Lambert''s systematic approach to facts, theories, predictions and possible verifications was not emulated in cosmological literature until the 20th century.',
'As a member of the physical class for twelve years, until his death at the age of forty-nine, Lambert produced more than 150 works for publication.',
'Lambert''s physical erudition indicates yet another clear way in which it would be possible to eliminate the traditional myth of three-dimensional geometry through the parallels with the physical dependence of functions.',
'In his own fundamental philosophical opus, the "Neues Organon", Lambert developed a noteworthy theory of logical probability that, to our knowledge, has thus far escaped the attention of eminent scholars in the field such as Keynes.',
'Frederick II refused to appoint Lambert to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences on account of his unusual appearance, strange dress and eccentric behaviour.',
'Lambert was an expert on conic sections, so would have performed well in 4U Maths.',
'Out of respect for his humble beginnings, Lambert deliberately chose not to conform to the conventions of the upper classes.',
'Of Lambert’s philosophical writings only his principle works, Neues Organon and Anlage zur Architectonic, as well as three papers published in Nova acta erudictrum, appeared during his lifetime.',
'In 1770 Lambert suggested an easy method of determining whether the distance between the earth and the sun is greater than the distance from the earth to a given comet.',
'The instrument marker G. F. Brander constructed a hygrometer according to Lambert’s description.',
'In Lamberts series the coefficient 2 occurs only when the exponent is a prime number. It was not until 1928 that Norbert Wiener was able to give a prime number proof employing this kind of series.',
'Lamberts method of determining the prime factors of a given (large) number uses a simplified arrangement for factor tables.',
'Much of Lamberts work in geometry was overlooked until it was republished by F. Engel and Staàckel in their Theorie der Parallellinien von Euklid bis auf Gauss (Leipzig, 1895)',
'Lambert had to leave school at the age of 12 to look after his father.']
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ghost commented Aug 17, 2017

'Lambert was more famous as a philosophy than as a mathematician.', shouldn't it be philosopher?

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Thanks NESC1US

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