Reference : git book
> git add .
> git commit -m "first commit" // commit local storage
> git push // push source code to server
eval "$(ssh-agent)" && ssh-agent -s | |
chmod 0600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa | |
ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa |
Linux / OS X: | |
export npm_config_strict-ssl=false | |
npm install npm -g --ca=null | |
npm --version | |
unset npm_config_strict-ssl | |
Windows: |
if(req.body) { | |
connection.connect(dbConnectionStr + '/' + req.params.db, function (err, db) { | |
if (err) { | |
logger.error('Db open error: ' + err.message); | |
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Server error' }); | |
return; | |
} | |
db.collection(req.params.collection, function(err, collection) { |
"(?:\\?.\r?\n?)*?" |
(function(){ | |
var server = ''; | |
var hostname = location.protocol +'//'+ location.hostname; | |
var parameters =; | |
var context = location.href.replace(hostname,'').replace(parameters,''); | |
function ajaxRequest(){ | |
var activexmodes=["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"] //activeX versions to check for in IE | |
if (window.ActiveXObject){ //Test for support for ActiveXObject in IE first (as XMLHttpRequest in IE7 is broken) | |
for (var i=0; i<activexmodes.length; i++){ |
/* Polyfill EventEmitter. */ | |
var Queue = function () { | | = {}; | |
this.queue = []; | |
this.methodStr; | |
this.current; | |
}; | |
Queue.prototype.setMethod = function(methodStr){ | |
this.methodStr = methodStr; |
/* Polyfill EventEmitter. */ | |
var EventEmitter = function () { | | = {}; | |
}; | |
EventEmitter.prototype.on = function (event, listener) { | |
if (typeof[event] !== 'object') { | |[event] = []; | |
} | |
var injector = { | |
dependencies: {}, | |
register: function(key, value) { | |
this.dependencies[key] = value; | |
}, | |
resolve: function() { | |
var func, deps, scope, args = [], self = this; | |
if(typeof arguments[0] === 'string') { | |
func = arguments[1]; | |
deps = arguments[0].replace(/ /g, '').split(','); |
html,body,#wrapper { | |
height:100%; | |
padding:0; | |
margin:0; | |
} | |
#wrapper { | |
position:relative; | |
} | |
#top, #middle, #bottom { |
Reference : git book
> git add .
> git commit -m "first commit" // commit local storage
> git push // push source code to server