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Last active January 28, 2025 15:30
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reusable KVAC based rate limiting tokens with O(1) server storage


A blind signature based rate limiting tokens, or their keyed verification analogues (e.g. privacy pass) can be used to rate limit requests, but presents challenges with regards to stockpiling and interaction requirements (credential requests can be batched and done ahead of time subject to anti-stockpiling mitigations, but are still fundamentall O(N)).

The somewhat obvious idea (probably not novel, but I couldn't find a description) presented here uses the unlinkable multi-show property of anonymous credentials to construct token bucket filters with a one time setup, permitting non-interactive self-issuance of usage tokens whose honest usage is anonymous (tokens of a single credential or different credentials are indistinguishable).

One time set up

A client wishes to make repeated anonymous requests to a rate limited server.

The client is in posession of a scarce resource (e.g. means of payment, proof of work, posession of a bitcoin UTXO with non-negligible coindays, ...) and uses it to obtain a long lived Signal keyed verification anonymous credential1 (KVAC) from the server with a single hidden group attribute containing randomness (i.e. a public key, or equivalently a Pedersen commitment $C$ to 0, so just $rH$).

The server responds to a credential request with an algebraic MAC that covers $C$.


In the Signal KVAC's scheme's credential presentation the client re-randomizes the commitment $C$ using another blinding term, submitting $C' = C + r' H'$ to the server (this is the basis for unlinkable multi show), and proves knowledge of the MAC covering $C$ such that the server can verify the integrity of $C'$ without learning which $C$ it corresponds to.

For rate limited multi-show, the client computes a hash to curve point $H_t = HashToCurve(t)$ where $t$ is a clock/counter proceeding at the maximum per client request rate, $r$. This is analogous to the rate of a token bucket filter. Every request is accompanied by the explicit value $t$, a nullifier $S = k H_t$, and a DLEQ proof that $k$ is the same in both the revealed nullifier $S$ and the value in the re-randomized commitment $C'$. The server rejects any request with a nullifier that has been seen before. Each credential can be additionally covered by proof of work with computational cost dominating over the verification cost of the credential presentation, to ensure that the cryptographic cost of this rate limiting token isn't a DoS concern on its own.

The server also publishes a time window $\delta$ constraining the $t$ value of requests. Given a value of $t$, and the reference $t_{\mathrm{server}}$ which the server computes as a function of time, a request is valid if $t + \delta \geq t_{\mathrm{server}}$. The window is analogous to the bucket parameter of a token bucket filter.

Furthermore, expired values of $t$ can be accepted so long as the actual aggregate request rate is sufficiently low (effectively a demand adjusted, unbounded grace period).

Clients can then sample values of $t$ from the window randomly (avoiding repetition so as to maintain unlinkability).

Rate Limiting

Within a time window corresponding to $\delta$ a client can only produce as many distinct nullifiers associated with their long lived credential as there are distinct values of $t$, namely $r \delta$. This means number of credentials issued, $n$, directly controls the maximum aggregate request rate, which is given by the product $n r \delta$2.


This follows from unlinkable multishow and DDH assumption ($S$ looks like a random point even though $k$ is fixed, and $k$ is part of a re-randomized commitment covered by the algebraic MAC).

Randomly sampling $t$ (without replacement when windows overlap) adds noise to the client's clock, which otherwise leaks identifiying information (e.g. clock skew). For low values of $\delta$, privacy suffers as the actual request rate approaches $r$, since the overt time values of $t$ must be disjoint to avoid duplicate values of $S$. This is subject to the birthday bound, in other words, the actual sustained rate should be $\lessapprox \sqrt{r\delta}$ requests in a given window of size $\delta$ without prior knowledge of the base rate. This is because if there is only a single client, the probability of a collision in $t$ values increases rapidly beyond $\sqrt{r\delta}$, so an observably higher effective rate without collisions strongly suggests that only a single client is operating. If the client knows (or assumes) that the server is observing collision in the values of $t$ already, then its actual request rate can approach $r$ maintaining (the assumption of) plausible deniability.


For efficient expiry of credentials, these reusable credentials may be issued in short lived epochs, in exchange for presentation of long lived credentials that encode an expiry time using range proofs, allowing credentials to be expired without requiring range proofs in the rate limiting credential presentation. This is appropriate if the underlying scarcity used to rate limit issuance of long lived credentials is too coarse for the desired time to live, but range proofs are too computationally costly for individual requests.

In either case, nullifier storage is O(1) because the server can prune nullifiers associated with values of $t$ sufficiently far in the past (even with a very generous grace period).


  1. without loss of generality, e.g. Coconut credentials can be used for non keyed verification setting

  2. note that credential issuance is independent of $r$ and $\delta$

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Main differences from privacy pass or any other token that in the form of a blind signature or signature analogue covering a random message used as a nullifier:

  1. Multiple rate limited uses, instead of single use tokens
  2. Stockpiling concern alleviated, no need to trade off privacy for alleviating the stockpiling concern by using shorter epochs

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Clients need to agree on $r$ and $\delta$ in order for the transcripts of their requests to be drawn from the same distributions.

The maximum number of honest in flight requests is $r\delta$. Lower values of either term protect server resources, but individual clients are limited to bursts of only $\sqrt{r\delta}$ requests to preserve privacy under conservative assumptions.

Open question: Can the actual rate of requests be made resistant to adversarial control in the KVAC setting, allowing clients to know when they can utilize the full rate privately?

It seems like the answer is no, because even if the server produces publicly verifiable proofs that the keyed verification proofs it accepted were valid, nothing restricts it from creating MACs that don't correspond to a scarce underlying resource. Substituting ring signature for KVACs could overcome this limitation but at the cost of requiring clients to know the key ring, significantly increasing communication and computational complexity.

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nothingmuch commented Aug 9, 2024

The $\sqrt{r\delta}$ limit is too pessimistic. It seems like 50% odds, as in the classic formulation of the birthday problem is probably a better self imposed limit.

However, can this too be improved by instead issuing $k$ credentials (with $O(k)$ cost) each with rate $\frac{r\delta}{k}$, where $k > 1$? In the limiting case, given $k' = 1$ and $\delta' > 1$, setting $k = \delta'$ and $\delta = 1$ gives the same rate but trivially allowing all $k$ tokens in the bucket to be utilized for $O(k)$ overhead, and eliminating the need to sample $t$ since the credentials can just be used in some fixed arbitrary order without any linking concerns.

This suggests there is an optimal value of $k$ for a desired rate, but approximations of the generalized birthday problem to $n$ "people" ($r\delta$), $d$ "days ($\delta$) and collisions of size $k$ involves some fancier combinatorics than I had the time to study ( looks promising).

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there some simiarities with this work that relies on zkSNARKS and is publicly verifiable:

note that public verifiability can be obtained using e.g. ACL on prime order groups as well as with coconut credentials with pairings, while still sticking to only sigma protocols for the rate limiting

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