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Created September 21, 2018 08:15
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import{ActionFailure, ActionResult}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.{Applicative, Functor, Monad, ~>}
final class ActionT[F[_], S, E, R, A] private (
val unsafeRun: (S, (S, E) => Folded[S], Chain[E]) => F[ActionResult[R, E, A]]
) extends AnyVal {
def run(current: S, update: (S, E) => Folded[S]): F[ActionResult[R, E, A]] =
unsafeRun(current, update, Chain.empty)
def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): ActionT[F, S, E, R, B] = ActionT { (s, u, ue) =>
unsafeRun(s, u, ue).map( => (x._1, f(x._2))))
def flatMap[B](f: A => ActionT[F, S, E, R, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ActionT[F, S, E, R, B] =
ActionT { (s0, u, es0) =>
unsafeRun(s0, u, es0).flatMap {
case Right((es1, a)) =>
.traverse(f(a).unsafeRun(_, u, es1))
.map {
case Folded.Next(s) =>
case Folded.Impossible =>
case Left(af) =>
def sample[Env, E2](
getEnv: F[Env]
)(update: (Env, E) => E2)(extract: E2 => E)(implicit F: Monad[F]): ActionT[F, S, E2, R, A] =
ActionT.liftF[F, S, E2, R, Env](getEnv).flatMap { env =>
xmapEvents(update(env, _), extract)
def xmapEvents[E2](to: E => E2, from: E2 => E)(implicit F: Functor[F]): ActionT[F, S, E2, R, A] =
ActionT { (s, u2, e2s) =>
val u1 = (sx: S, e1: E) => u2(sx, to(e1))
unsafeRun(s, u1, { x =>
(, x._2)
def xmapState[S2](update: (S2, S) => S2)(extract: S2 => S): ActionT[F, S2, E, R, A] =
ActionT {
(s2, u2, es) =>
unsafeRun(extract(s2), (s, e) => u2(update(s2, s), e).map(extract), es)
object ActionT {
private def apply[F[_], S, E, R, A](
unsafeRun: (S, (S, E) => Folded[S], Chain[E]) => F[ActionResult[R, E, A]]
): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] = new ActionT(unsafeRun)
def sample[F[_]: Monad, S, E1, R, Env, E2](getEnv: F[Env])(
update: (Env, E1) => E2
)(extract: E2 => E1): ActionT[F, S, E1, R, ?] ~> ActionT[F, S, E2, R, ?] =
new (ActionT[F, S, E1, R, ?] ~> ActionT[F, S, E2, R, ?]) {
override def apply[A](fa: ActionT[F, S, E1, R, A]): ActionT[F, S, E2, R, A] =
def xmapEvents[F[_]: Functor, S, E1, E2, R](
to: E1 => E2,
from: E2 => E1
): ActionT[F, S, E1, R, ?] ~> ActionT[F, S, E2, R, ?] =
new (ActionT[F, S, E1, R, ?] ~> ActionT[F, S, E2, R, ?]) {
override def apply[A](fa: ActionT[F, S, E1, R, A]): ActionT[F, S, E2, R, A] =
fa.xmapEvents(to, from)
def xmapState[F[_]: Functor, S1, S2, E, R](update: (S2, S1) => S2)(extract: S2 => S1): ActionT[F, S1, E, R, ?] ~> ActionT[F, S2, E, R, ?] =
new (ActionT[F, S1, E, R, ?] ~> ActionT[F, S2, E, R, ?]) {
override def apply[A](fa: ActionT[F, S1, E, R, A]): ActionT[F, S2, E, R, A] = fa.xmapState(update)(extract)
def read[F[_]: Applicative, S, E, R]: ActionT[F, S, E, R, S] =
ActionT((s, _, es) => (es, s).asRight[ActionFailure[R]].pure[F])
def append[F[_]: Applicative, S, E, R](e: NonEmptyChain[E]): ActionT[F, S, E, R, Unit] =
ActionT((_, _, es0) => (es0 ++ e.toChain, ()).asRight[ActionFailure[R]].pure[F])
def reject[F[_]: Applicative, S, E, R, A](r: R): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] =
(_, _, _) => (ActionFailure.Rejection(r): ActionFailure[R]).asLeft[(Chain[E], A)].pure[F]
def reset[F[_]: Applicative, S, E, R]: ActionT[F, S, E, R, Unit] =
ActionT((_, _, _) => (Chain.empty[E], ()).asRight[ActionFailure[R]].pure[F])
def liftF[F[_]: Functor, S, E, R, A](fa: F[A]): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] =
ActionT((_, _, es) => => (es, a).asRight[ActionFailure[R]]))
def pure[F[_]: Applicative, S, E, R, A](a: A): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] =
ActionT((_, _, es) => (es, a).asRight[ActionFailure[R]].pure[F])
implicit def monadActionInstance[F[_], S, E, R](
implicit F: Monad[F]
): MonadAction[ActionT[F, S, E, R, ?], F, S, E, R] with ActionRun[ActionT[F, S, E, R, ?], EitherT[F, R, ?], S, E] =
new MonadAction[ActionT[F, S, E, R, ?], F, S, E, R] with ActionRun[ActionT[F, S, E, R, ?], EitherT[F, R, ?], S, E] {
override def run[A](ma: ActionT[F, S, E, R, A])(
current: S,
update: (S, E) => Folded[S]
): EitherT[F, R, Folded[(Chain[E], A)]] = EitherT {, update).map {
case Left(ActionFailure.ImpossibleFold) =>
case Left(ActionFailure.Rejection(r)) =>
case Right(r) =>[R]
override def read: ActionT[F, S, E, R, S] =
override def append(e: E, es: E*): ActionT[F, S, E, R, Unit] =
ActionT.append(NonEmptyChain(e, es: _*))
override def reject[A](r: R): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] = ActionT.reject(r)
override def liftF[A](fa: F[A]): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] = ActionT.liftF(fa)
override def map[A, B](fa: ActionT[F, S, E, R, A])(f: A => B): ActionT[F, S, E, R, B] =
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: ActionT[F, S, E, R, A])(
f: A => ActionT[F, S, E, R, B]
): ActionT[F, S, E, R, B] = fa.flatMap(f)
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(
f: A => ActionT[F, S, E, R, Either[A, B]]
): ActionT[F, S, E, R, B] = ActionT { (s, ue, es) =>
F.tailRecM(a) { a =>
f(a).unsafeRun(s, ue, es).flatMap {
case Left(failure) => F.pure(Right(Left(failure)))
case Right((es2, Right(b))) => F.pure(Right(Right((es2, b))))
case Right((es2, Left(na))) =>
es2 match {
case c if c.nonEmpty =>
.append[F, S, E, R](NonEmptyChain.fromChainUnsafe(c))
.unsafeRun(s, ue, es)
.as(na.asLeft[ActionResult[R, E, B]])
case _ =>
na.asLeft[ActionResult[R, E, B]].pure[F]
override def pure[A](x: A): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] = ActionT.pure(x)
override def handleErrorWith[A](
fa: ActionT[F, S, E, R, A]
)(f: R => ActionT[F, S, E, R, A]): ActionT[F, S, E, R, A] = ActionT { (s, u, es) =>
fa.unsafeRun(s, u, es).flatMap {
case Left(ActionFailure.Rejection(r)) =>
f(r).unsafeRun(s, u, es)
case other =>
type ActionResult[+R, +E, +A] = Either[ActionFailure[R], (Chain[E], A)]
sealed abstract class ActionFailure[+R]
object ActionFailure {
final case class Rejection[+R](a: R) extends ActionFailure[R]
final case object ImpossibleFold extends ActionFailure[Nothing]
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