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Last active February 10, 2016 09:57
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Simple akka stream based eventsourcing
sealed trait Ack[+R]
object Ack {
def accepted[R]: Ack[R] = Accepted
def rejected[R](rejection: R): Ack[R] = Rejected(rejection)
case object Accepted extends Ack[Nothing]
case class Rejected[+R](rejection: R) extends Ack[R]
sealed trait Message
case class Command(id: String) extends Message
case class Event(id: String) extends Message
sealed trait Rejection
case object Rejection extends Rejection
trait State {
def applyEvent(event: Event): State
def processCommand(command: Command): Future[Rejection Xor Event]
object State {
def zero: State = ???
def persistedEvents: Source[Event, Any] = ???
def commands: Source[(Command, Promise[Ack[Rejection]]), Any] = ???
def persistEvent(e: Event): Future[Event] = ???
persistedEvents.fold( { (state, event) =>
}.flatMapConcat { state =>
commands.fold(Future.successful(state)) { case (futureState, (command, ack)) =>
futureState.flatMap { state =>
state.processCommand(command).flatMap {
case Xor.Right(event) => persistEvent(event).map(state.applyEvent).map(_ -> Ack.accepted[Rejection])
case Xor.Left(rejection) => Future.successful(state -> Ack.rejected(rejection))
}.map { case (s, r) =>
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