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Last active July 19, 2024 22:41
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{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021, GADTs, DataKinds #-}
import Control.Monad (ap, (>=>))
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude hiding (or)
import Data.Kind
import Data.Char
type Ctx :: Type
type Ctx = [Type]
type Var :: Ctx -> Type -> Type
data Var ctx a where
Here :: Var (a : ctx) a
There :: Var ctx a -> Var (b : ctx) a
deriving instance Show a => Show (Var ctx a)
elimVar :: (b ~ c => a) -> (Var ctx b -> a) -> Var (c : ctx) b -> a
elimVar here _ Here = here
elimVar _ there (There x) = there x
absurdVar :: Var '[] b -> a
absurdVar x = case x of {}
type Gram :: Ctx -> Type -> Type
data Gram ctx a
= Fail
| Pure a
| Char Char (Gram ctx a)
| forall x. Var (Var ctx x) (x -> Gram ctx a)
| Gram ctx a :|: Gram ctx a
| forall x. Fix (Gram (x : ctx) x) (x -> Gram ctx a)
deriving instance Functor (Gram ctx)
instance Applicative (Gram ctx) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative (Gram ctx) where
empty = Fail
Fail <|> q = q
p <|> Fail = p
p <|> q = p :|: q
instance Monad (Gram ctx) where
Fail >>= _ = Fail
Pure x >>= k = k x
Char c k >>= k' = Char c (k >>= k')
Var v k >>= k' = Var v (k >=> k')
(p :|: q) >>= k = (p >>= k) :|: (q >>= k)
Fix p k >>= k' = Fix p (k >=> k')
fix' :: Gram (a : ctx) a -> Gram ctx a
fix' Fail = Fail
fix' (Pure x) = Pure x
-- fix' (Char c k) = Char c k
-- fix' (Var (There x) k) = Var x
fix' x =
case trim x of
Nothing -> Fix x Pure
Just x' -> x'
trim :: Gram (b : ctx) c -> Maybe (Gram ctx c)
trim Fail = Just Fail
trim (Pure x) = Just (Pure x)
trim (Char c k) = Char c <$> trim k
trim (Var Here k) = Nothing
trim (p :|: q) = (:|:) <$> trim p <*> trim q
-- sadly we can't inspect our grammars enough to optimize these cases:
trim (Var (There v) k) = Nothing -- Var v <$> trim k
trim (Fix p k) = Nothing -- Fix <$> trim p <*> trim k
class Mono f where
wk :: (forall x. Var ctx x -> Var ctx' x) -> f ctx a -> f ctx' a
instance Mono Var where
wk f = f
instance Mono Gram where
wk _ Fail = Fail
wk _ (Pure x) = Pure x
wk f (Char c k) = Char c (wk f k)
wk f (Var v k) = Var (f v) (wk f . k)
wk f (g1 :|: g2) = (wk f g1 :|: wk f g2)
wk f (Fix g k) = Fix (wk (elimVar Here (There . f)) g) (wk f . k)
subst :: (forall x. Var ctx x -> Gram ctx' x) -> Gram ctx a -> Gram ctx' a
subst _ Fail = Fail
subst _ (Pure x) = Pure x
subst k' (Char c k) = Char c (subst k' k)
subst k' (Var x k) = k' x >>= subst k' . k
subst k' (g1 :|: g2) = (subst k' g1 <|> subst k' g2)
subst k' (Fix g k) = fix' (subst (elimVar (Var Here Pure) (wk There . k')) g) >>= (subst k' . k)
-- assumes the only change is that elements are added to the list.
listfix :: ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]
listfix f xs =
!n = length xs
xs' = f xs
in if length xs' > n
then listfix f xs'
else xs'
n :: (forall x. Var ctx x -> [x]) -> Gram ctx a -> [a]
n _ Fail = []
n _ (Pure x) = [x]
n _ Char{} = []
n ev (Var x k) = ev x >>= n ev . k
n ev (g1 :|: g2) = n ev g1 ++ n ev g2
n ev (Fix g k) = listfix (\xs -> n (elimVar xs ev) g) [] >>= n ev . k
nullable :: Gram '[] a -> [a]
nullable = n absurdVar
type DEv :: Ctx -> Type -> Type
data DEv ctx a = DEv { ev_n :: [a], ev_d :: Gram ctx a, ev_i :: Gram ctx a }
instance Mono DEv where
wk f (DEv n d i) = DEv n (wk f d) (wk f i)
-- derivative
d :: (forall a. Var ctx a -> DEv ctx' a) -> Char -> Gram ctx a -> Gram ctx' a
d _ _ Fail = Fail
d _ _ Pure{} = Fail
d ev c1 (Char c2 k)
| c1 == c2 = subst (ev_i . ev) k
| otherwise = Fail
d ev c (Var x k) = (ev_d (ev x) >>= subst (ev_i . ev) . k)
<|> foldr (<|>) Fail (map (d ev c . k) (ev_n (ev x)))
d ev c (g1 :|: g2) = d ev c g1 <|> d ev c g2
d ev c (Fix g k) =
let xs = n (ev_n . ev) (Fix g Pure) in
(fix' (
d (elimVar
(Var Here Pure)
(elimVar (Var Here Pure) (wk (There . There) . ev_i . ev))
(wk There . ev))
>>= subst (ev_i . ev) . k)
<|> foldr (<|>) Fail (map (d ev c . k) xs)
derivative :: Char -> Gram '[] a -> Gram '[] a
derivative c x = d absurdVar c x
derivatives :: String -> Gram '[] a -> Gram '[] a
derivatives s g0 = go s g0 where
go [] g = g
go (c:cs) g = go cs (derivative c g)
parse :: String -> Gram '[] a -> [a]
parse s g0 = nullable (derivatives s g0)
gfix :: (forall ctx. Var ctx a -> Gram ctx a) -> Gram ctx a
gfix f = Fix (f (Here)) Pure
data Exp = Atom | Add Exp Exp deriving Show
ex :: Gram '[] Exp
ex = gfix $ \x -> Var x (\l -> Char '+' (Var x (\r -> Pure (Add l r))))
<|> Char 'x' (Pure Atom)
<|> Char '(' (Var x (\z -> Char ')' (Pure z)))
var :: Var ctx a -> Gram ctx a
var v = Var v Pure
char :: Char -> Gram ctx ()
char c = Char c (Pure ())
digit :: Gram ctx Int
digit = foldr (<|>) Fail (map (\i -> i <$ char (intToDigit i)) [0..9])
number :: Gram ctx Int
number = fix' $ ((\n d -> 10 * n + d) <$> var Here <*> digit) <|> digit
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