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Created July 19, 2024 15:44
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{- cabal:
build-depends: base, liquidhaskell == 0.9.6.*
{- project:
allow-newer: bytestring
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fplugin=LiquidHaskell #-}
-- Liquid Haskell checks termination for us, but you can disable it if you want.
import Data.Void
import Control.Monad
data Gram a
= Fail
| Empty
| Char Char
| Var a
| Gram a :|: Gram a
| Gram a :>: Gram a
| Fix (Gram (Maybe a))
deriving (Show, Functor)
infixl 3 :|:
infixl 4 :>:
instance Applicative Gram where
pure = Var
(<*>) = ap
-- substitution
instance Monad Gram where
Fail >>= _ = Fail
Empty >>= _ = Empty
Char c >>= _ = Char c
Var x >>= k = k x
(g1 :|: g2) >>= k = (g1 >>= k) :|: (g2 >>= k)
(g1 :>: g2) >>= k = (g1 >>= k) :>: (g2 >>= k)
(Fix g) >>= k = Fix (g >>= traverse k)
n :: (a -> Bool) -> Gram a -> Bool
n _ Fail = False
n _ Empty = True
n _ Char{} = False
n ev (Var x) = ev x
n ev (g1 :|: g2) = n ev g1 || n ev g2
n ev (g1 :>: g2) = n ev g1 && n ev g2
n ev (Fix g) = n (maybe True ev) g
nullable :: Gram Void -> Bool
nullable = n absurd
data DEv a = DEv { ev_n :: Bool, ev_d :: a, ev_i :: a } deriving Functor
-- derivative
d :: (a -> DEv (Gram b)) -> Char -> Gram a -> Gram b
d _ _ Fail = Fail
d _ _ Empty = Fail
d _ c1 (Char c2)
| c1 == c2 = Empty
| otherwise = Fail
d ev _ (Var x) = ev_d (ev x)
d ev c (g1 :|: g2) = d ev c g1 :|: d ev c g2
d ev c (g1 :>: g2)
| n (ev_n . ev) g1 = (d ev c g1 :>: (g2 >>= ev_i . ev)) :|: d ev c g2
| otherwise = d ev c g1 :>: (g2 >>= ev_i . ev)
d ev c (Fix g) = Fix $
(Var Nothing)
(Fix (g >>= traverse (fmap Just . ev_i . ev))))
(fmap (fmap Just) . ev))
derivative :: Char -> Gram Void -> Gram Void
derivative = d absurd
parse :: String -> Gram Void -> Bool
parse s g0 = nullable (go s g0) where
go [] g = g
go (c:cs) g = go cs (derivative c g)
ex :: Gram Void
ex = Fix
$ Var Nothing :>: Char '+' :>: Var Nothing
:|: Char 'x'
:|: Char '(' :>: Var Nothing :>: Char ')'
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