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Last active July 25, 2024 09:48
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{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021, GADTs, DataKinds #-}
import Control.Monad (ap, (>=>), replicateM_, guard)
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude hiding (or)
import Data.Kind
import Data.Char
asumMap :: Alternative f => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f b
asumMap f x = asum (map f x)
type Ctx :: Type
type Ctx = [Type]
type Var :: [k] -> k -> Type
data Var ctx a where
Here :: Var (a : ctx) a
There :: Var ctx a -> Var (c : ctx) a
deriving instance Show (Var ctx a)
varInt :: Var ctx a -> Int
varInt Here = 0
varInt (There v) = 1 + varInt v
showVar :: Var ctx a -> String
showVar = show . varInt
elimVar :: ((x ~ a) => c) -> (Var ctx a -> c) -> Var (x : ctx) a -> c
elimVar here _ Here = here
elimVar _ there (There x) = there x
absurdVar :: Var '[] a -> c
absurdVar x = case x of {}
-- semantics of functions
type Fun a b = a -> [b]
type Gram :: Ctx -> Type -> Type
data Gram ctx a
= Fail
| Pure a
| Char Char (Gram ctx a)
| Gram ctx a :|: Gram ctx a
| forall x y. Var (Var ctx (Fun x y)) x (y -> Gram ctx a)
| forall x y. Fix (x -> Gram (Fun x y : ctx) y) x (y -> Gram ctx a)
deriving instance Functor (Gram ctx)
instance Applicative (Gram ctx) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative (Gram ctx) where
empty = Fail
Fail <|> q = q
-- p <|> Fail = p
p <|> q = p :|: q
instance Monad (Gram ctx) where
Fail >>= _ = Fail
Pure x >>= k = k x
Char c k >>= k' = Char c (k >>= k')
Var v x k >>= k' = Var v x (k >=> k')
(p :|: q) >>= k = (p >>= k) :|: (q >>= k)
Fix p x k >>= k' = Fix p x (k >=> k')
var :: Var ctx (a -> [b]) -> a -> Gram ctx b
var v x = Var v x Pure
char :: Char -> Gram ctx ()
char c = Char c (Pure ())
fix :: ((x -> Gram (Fun x y : ctx) y) -> x -> Gram (Fun x y : ctx) y) -> x -> Gram ctx y
fix f x = Fix (f (var Here)) x Pure
wkGram :: (forall x. Var ctx x -> Var ctx' x) -> Gram ctx a -> Gram ctx' a
wkGram f = subst (var . f)
-- wkGram _ Fail = Fail
-- wkGram _ (Pure x) = Pure x
-- wkGram f (Char c k) = Char c (wkGram f k)
-- wkGram f (Var v x k) = Var (f v) x (wkGram f . k)
-- wkGram f (g1 :|: g2) = (wkGram f g1 :|: wkGram f g2)
-- wkGram f (Fix g x k) = Fix (wkGram (elimVar Here (There . f)) . g) x (wkGram f . k)
-- Technically it should be possible to do without this substitution function
-- because it is only used in computing the identity transformation over
-- grammars. That should only reuqire renaming as implemented by wkGram. But
-- formulating it this way is slightly easier for now.
subst :: (forall x y. Var ctx (Fun x y) -> x -> Gram ctx' y) -> Gram ctx a -> Gram ctx' a
subst _ Fail = Fail
subst _ (Pure x) = Pure x
subst k' (Char c k) = Char c (subst k' k)
subst k' (Var v x k) = k' v x >>= subst k' . k
subst k' (g1 :|: g2) = subst k' g1 <|> subst k' g2
subst k' (Fix g x0 k) = Fix (subst (elimVar (\x -> Var Here x Pure) (\v -> wkGram There . k' v)) . g) x0 (subst k' . k)
type DEv :: Ctx -> Type -> Type
data DEv ctx a = DEv { ev_n :: [a], ev_d :: Char -> Gram ctx a, ev_i :: Gram ctx a }
deriving Functor
instance Applicative (DEv ctx) where
pure x = DEv [x] (const empty) (pure x)
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative (DEv ctx) where
empty = DEv [] (const empty) empty
DEv a b c <|> DEv x y z = DEv (a <|> x) (liftA2 (<|>) b y) (c <|> z)
instance Monad (DEv ctx) where
DEv x y z >>= k =
(x >>= ev_n . k)
(\c -> (y c >>= ev_i . k) <|> asumMap (\x' -> ev_d (k x') c) x)
(z >>= ev_i . k)
wkDEv :: (forall x. Var ctx x -> Var ctx' x) -> DEv ctx a -> DEv ctx' a
wkDEv f (DEv n d i) = DEv n (wkGram f . d) (wkGram f i)
-- The main workhorse
sem :: forall ctx ctx' a. (forall x y. Var ctx (Fun x y) -> x -> DEv ctx' y) -> Gram ctx a -> DEv ctx' a
sem _ Fail = DEv [] (const Fail) Fail
sem _ (Pure x) = DEv [x] (const Fail) (Pure x)
sem ev (Char c k) =
DEv [] (\c' -> guard (c == c')) (char c) >> sem ev k
sem ev (Var v x k) = ev v x >>= sem ev . k
sem ev (g1 :|: g2) = sem ev g1 <|> sem ev g2
sem ev (Fix @_ @_ @x @y g x0 k) =
f :: (forall z. Var ctx' z -> Var ctx'' z) -> (Char -> Gram ctx'' y) -> x -> DEv ctx'' y
f e p x = DEv
(ev_n $ sem (elimVar (\_ -> DEv [] (const Fail) Fail) ev) (g x))
(wkGram e $ subst (\v -> ev_i . ev v) (Fix g x Pure))
f id (\c ->
(\x ->
ev_d (sem (elimVar (\x' -> f There (\_ -> Var Here x' Pure) x') (\v -> wkDEv There . ev v)) (g x)) c)
>>= sem ev . k
-- Derived functions
nullable :: Gram '[] a -> [a]
nullable = ev_n . sem absurdVar
derivative :: Char -> Gram '[] a -> Gram '[] a
derivative c x = ev_d (sem absurdVar x) c
parse :: String -> Gram '[] a -> [a]
parse = foldr (\c k -> k . derivative c) nullable
-- Examples
data Exp = Atom Int | Add Exp Exp | Mul Exp Exp deriving Show
digit :: Gram ctx Int
digit = asumMap (\i -> i <$ char (intToDigit i)) [0..9]
number :: Gram ctx Int
number = fix (\p _ -> ((\x d -> 10 * x + d) <$> p () <*> digit) <|> digit) ()
ex :: Gram ctx Exp
ex = fix (\p (a,m) -> Add <$ guard a <*> p (False,True) <* char '+' <*> p (True,True)
<|> Mul <$ guard m <*> p (False,False) <* char '*' <*> p (False,True)
<|> Atom <$> number
<|> char '(' *> p (True,True) <* char ')'
) (True, True)
ndots :: Gram ctx ()
--ndots = number >>= \n -> replicateM_ n (char '.')
ndots = number >>=
fix (\p i -> guard (i > 0) *> char '.' *> p (i - 1)
<|> guard (i == 0))
main = do
print (parse "1+2*3" ex)
print (parse "5....." ndots)
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