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Last active May 13, 2020 14:56
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Playing audio file (PCM) on NEXTSTEP 3.3
//Written by J. Laroche at the Center for Music Experiment at UCSD, San Diego //California. December 1990.
// File useful to test the stream control capabilities of the driver for
// writing streams (to the DACS). Currently (V. 2.0 prerelease fushia),
// aborting the stream wedges more or less the driver.
// Moreover, pause and resume work on any tagged region, whatever its tag is.
#import <sound/sound.h>
#import <sound/sounddriver.h>
#import <mach/mach.h>
#import <mach/mach_error.h>
#import <stdio.h>
#import <libc.h>
static int write_done_flag = 0;
static port_t reply_port;
#define Error(A,B) if((A)) {fprintf(stderr,"%s %s\n",B, SNDSoundError((A)));\
mach_error(B,(A)); }
static void read_completed(void *arg, int tag)
fprintf(stderr,"playing completed message called tag %d\n", tag);
static void read_started(void *arg, int tag)
fprintf(stderr,"Playing Started message received \n");
static void read_aborted(void *arg, int tag)
fprintf(stderr,"Playing Aborted message received \n");
static void read_paused(void *arg, int tag)
fprintf(stderr,"Playing Paused message received \n");
static void read_resumed(void *arg, int tag)
fprintf(stderr,"Playing Resumed message received \n");
static void read_overflow(void *arg, int tag)
fprintf(stderr,"Playing underrun message received \n");
static snddriver_handlers_t handlers = { 0, 0,
read_started,read_completed,read_aborted,read_paused,read_resumed, read_overflow, 0};
static any_t msg_thread_func(any_t arg)
kern_return_t k_err;
msg_header_t* reply_msg = (msg_header_t *)malloc(MSG_SIZE_MAX);
while (1) {
reply_msg->msg_size = MSG_SIZE_MAX;
reply_msg->msg_local_port = reply_port;
k_err = msg_receive(reply_msg, RCV_TIMEOUT, 5000);
printf("msg received\n");
Error(k_err,"Message ");
if(!k_err) snddriver_reply_handler(reply_msg,&handlers);
return NULL;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
static port_t dev_port, owner_port;
static port_t write_port;
kern_return_t k_err;
SNDSoundStruct *sound;
short *location;
int location_index = 0;
int low_water = 48*1024;
int high_water = 128*1024; // Choose a higher value for more security
int DMASIZE = 4096;
int length,protocol;
int tag_id = 1;
cthread_t msg_thread;
if(argc == 1) { printf("I need a 16bit 2ch linear sound(.au or .snd) file...\n");
k_err = SNDAcquire(SND_ACCESS_OUT,0,0,0,
Error(k_err,"SND acquisition ");
k_err = port_allocate(task_self(),&reply_port);
msg_thread = cthread_fork(msg_thread_func, NULL);
k_err = SNDReadSoundfile(argv[1], &sound);
k_err = SNDGetDataPointer(sound,(char**)&location,&length,&i);
Error(k_err,"Data Pointer");
printf("samples=%d,width=%d,bytes=%d,vmpagesize=%d\n", length, i, length*i, vm_page_size);
k_err = snddriver_stream_setup(dev_port, owner_port,
low_water, high_water,
&protocol, &write_port);
Error(k_err,"Stream ");
while (1) {
int write_samples;
if (write_done_flag >= 4) {
printf("queue=%d\n", write_done_flag);
write_samples = length <= (location_index+DMASIZE*16) ?
length - location_index - 1 : DMASIZE*16;
k_err = snddriver_stream_start_writing(write_port,
write_samples, tag_id,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0, reply_port);
Error(k_err,"Write Command ");
location_index += write_samples;
printf("write done %d samples\n", write_samples);
if (location_index+1 == length) {
// end of the file
while (write_done_flag > 0) {
usleep(100); // wait for play finish
return 0;
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