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Last active June 2, 2023 12:01
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  • Save novusnota/20e7f64a731068d5b71f5a4ae413fb20 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save novusnota/20e7f64a731068d5b71f5a4ae413fb20 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extremely simple and useful bash script for controlled tests inside clean environments provided by docker containers. Run it to quickly jump into docker container instance of your choice with network mode set to host, which means all your opened ports on host machine would be easily accessible from the container and vice versa! When you finish p…
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# 0. (A must) Leave a star on this GIST :P
# 1. Clone/download/copy-paste the this script
# 2. Give it rights to execute: `chmod +x`
# 3. Move it somewhere on your PATH and (optionally) rename it on the fly: `mv /usr/local/bin/d`
# 4. Now run it from anywhere: `d` or `` (if you didn't rename your file)
# 5. ???
# 6. Hooray! You're inside the container! Enjoy your stay & mess around as much as you want!
# Exit on errors
set -o nounset -o pipefail -o errexit
# Change these to your preference
# base DockerHub image:tag
_base_image_tag="20.04" # or latest
# preferred shell and it's location
_shell_change_cmd="chsh -s"
# package manager, it's update/install cmds and list of packages to install
_install_cmd="install -y"
_list_of_packages="vim wget curl jq fzf git nmap net-tools tree htop"
_stripped_base_image="${_base_image_name}-$(echo "$_base_image_tag" | tr -d ' :' | tr '.' '_')"
FROM $_base_image_name:$_base_image_tag
RUN $_package_manager $_update_cmd && \
$_package_manager $_install_cmd $_shell $_list_of_packages && \
$_shell_change_cmd $_shell_location
CMD [\"$_shell\"]"
# Making the empty context folder and build the image (if needed)
if [ "$(docker images -q "$_image_name" | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]; then
mkdir -p "$_cxt_folder"
echo -en "$_dockerfile" \
| docker build --tag "$_image_name" -f - "$_cxt_folder"
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$_cxt_folder"
# Running the container from the built image
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
--network host \
--hostname "$_container_name" \
--name "$_container_name" \
"$_image_name" "$_shell"
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