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Created October 27, 2022 11:28
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A small Julia-based script, which allows usage of 'and' and 'or' keywords instead of '&&' and '||' infix operators in Julia programs.
#!/usr/bin/env julia
# A small script, written in Julia, which allows usage of 'and' and 'or' keywords instead of '&&' and '||' infix operators in Julia programs.
# Made out of desperation after reading this discussion:
# Notice, that run.jl **doesn't** modify the original file.
# Use it simply so:
# $> julia run.jl <filename>
# or by giving the file execution rights and then running:
# $> chmod +x run.jl
# $> ./run.jl <filename>
# For example, a line in a given program file could look like this:
# if (y == 3 and (x == 4 or x == 5))
# which would be transformed by run.jl on the fly to:
# if (y == 3 && (x == 4 || x == 5))
# and then passed to Julia to evaluate the modified version of the file on the fly.
# Getting file name from command line argument passed to our program
file_name = ""
global file_name = ARGS[1]
println("No arguments passed -- write a name of a file after this program's name")
# Reading file contents
file_contents = ""
open(file_name, "r") do file
global file_contents = read(file, String)
println("File '$file_name' doesn't exist")
# Substituting 'and' and 'or' using regular expressions
file_contents = replace(file_contents, r" and " => s" && ")
file_contents = replace(file_contents, r" or " => s" || ")
# Evaluating the final result
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