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Created March 21, 2021 11:44
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const { Listener } = require("discord-akairo");
const { createEmbed } = require("../../Utils/CreateEmbed");
module.exports = class ShoobTimerEvent extends Listener {
constructor() {
super("ShoobTimerEvent", {
emitter: "client",
event: "message",
category: "client",
async exec(message) {
if ( === 'dm') return
if ((message.guild !== null && !'SEND_MESSAGES'))) return
if ( !== 'dm' && !'SEND_MESSAGES')) return
try {
let embed = message.embeds[0];
if ( === '733474234600521850') return;
if ( !== '673362753489993749') return;
if (!embed) return
if (!embed.title) return;
if (!embed.title.includes("Tier")) return;
if (!embed.image) return;
var i = 15;
let time = await`:green_circle:**\`| ❝ ${embed.title} ❞ Despawn in ${i}\`**`).setColor("#78b159"))
var interval = setInterval(() => {
i = i - 5;
/*if (i === 15) {
time.edit(createEmbed().setDescription(`:green_circle:**\`| ❝ ${embed.title} ❞ Despawn in ${i}\`**`).setColor('#78b159'))
if (i === 10) {
time.edit(createEmbed().setDescription(`:yellow_circle:**\`| ❝ ${embed.title} ❞ Despawn in ${i}\`**`).setColor('#fdcb58'))
if (i === 5) {
time.edit(createEmbed().setDescription(`:red_circle:**\`| ❝ ${embed.title} ❞ Despawn in ${i}\`**`).setColor('#dd2e44'))
if (i === 0) {
time.edit(createEmbed().setDescription(`:black_circle:**\`| ❝ ${embed.title} ❞ Despawn in ${i}\`**`).setColor('#31373d')).then(x => x.delete({ timeout: 3000 }))
}, 5000);
} catch {}
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