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Last active January 5, 2024 01:50
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"basics": {
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"label": "Undergraduate Informatics Student at Gunadarma University | Web-App Developer",
"location": {
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"name": "Belajar Dasar Pemrograman JavaScript",
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"issuer": "Dicoding Indonesia",
"name": "Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula",
"startDate": "2023-07-31",
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"endDate": "2026-10-31",
"issuer": "Dicoding Indonesia",
"name": "Belajar Dasar Data Science",
"startDate": "2023-10-31",
"url": ""
"endDate": "2026-10-31",
"issuer": "Dicoding Indonesia",
"name": "Belajar Dasar Structured Query Language (SQL)",
"startDate": "2023-10-31",
"url": ""
"endDate": "2026-10-31",
"issuer": "Dicoding Indonesia",
"name": "Belajar Dasar Git dengan GitHub",
"startDate": "2023-10-31",
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"endDate": "2026-11-30",
"issuer": "Dicoding Indonesia",
"name": "Memulai Pemrograman dengan Python",
"startDate": "2023-11-30",
"url": ""
"endDate": "2026-11-30",
"issuer": "Dicoding Indonesia",
"name": "Memulai Dasar Pemrograman untuk Menjadi Pengembang Software",
"startDate": "2023-11-30",
"url": ""
"education": [
"area": "Informatika",
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"endDate": "2026-12-31",
"institution": "Universitas Gunadarma",
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"startDate": "2022-12-31",
"studyType": "Teknologi Industri"
"interests": ["web", "mobile", "microservice"],
"languages": [
"fluency": "Native Speaker",
"language": "Indonesia"
"meta": {
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"version": "v1.0.0"
"projects": [],
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"references": [],
"skills": [
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"level": "",
"name": "HTML"
"keywords": [],
"level": "",
"name": "Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)"
"keywords": [],
"level": "",
"name": "Python (Programming Language)"
"keywords": [],
"level": "",
"name": "Node.js"
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"level": "",
"name": "REST APIs"
"keywords": [],
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"name": "React.js"
"keywords": [],
"level": "",
"name": "Tailwind CSS"
"keywords": [],
"level": "",
"name": "PostgreSQL"
"keywords": [],
"level": "",
"name": "MySQL"
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"name": "Git"
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"level": "",
"name": "MongoDB"
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"name": "JavaScript"
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"level": "",
"name": "TypeScript"
"keywords": [],
"level": "",
"name": "Next.js"
"volunteer": [],
"work": []
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