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Created May 5, 2012 15:51
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Emacs like key bindings for Microsoft Excel
'' define EmacsMode key bindings
Sub EmacsMode()
With Application
.OnKey "^{f}", "ForwardCell"
.OnKey "^{b}", "BackwardCell"
.OnKey "^{p}", "PreviousLine"
.OnKey "^{n}", "NextLine"
.OnKey "^{a}", "BeginningOfUsedRangeLine"
.OnKey "^{e}", "EndOfUsedRangeLine"
.OnKey "%{<}", "BeginningOfUsedRangeRow"
.OnKey "%{>}", "EndOfUsedRangeRow"
.OnKey "^{v}", "ScrollUp"
.OnKey "^{z}", "ScrollDown"
.OnKey "^{l}", "Recenter"
.OnKey "^{s}", "Search"
.OnKey "^{x}", "CxMode"
.OnKey "+{ESC}", "Enable_Keys"
End With
End Sub
'' define EmacsMode commands
' C-f 右のセルへ移動
Sub ForwardCell()
If ActiveCell.MergeCells Then
If ActiveCell.MergeArea.End(xlToRight).Column = Columns.Count Then Exit Sub
End If
If ActiveCell.Column <> Columns.Count Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate
End Sub
' C-b 左のセルへ移動
Sub BackwardCell()
If ActiveCell.Column <> 1 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Activate
End Sub
' C-p 上の行へ移動
Sub PreviousLine()
If ActiveCell.Row <> 1 Then ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Activate
End Sub
' C-n 下の行へ移動
Sub NextLine()
If ActiveCell.MergeCells Then
If ActiveCell.MergeArea.End(xlDown).Row = Rows.Count Then Exit Sub
End If
If ActiveCell.Row <> Rows.Count Then ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
End Sub
' C-a UsedRangeの左端に移動
Sub BeginningOfUsedRangeLine()
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Column).Activate
End Sub
' C-e UsedRangeの右端に移動
Sub EndOfUsedRangeLine()
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, _
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns _
End Sub
' M-< UsedRangeの先頭行へ移動
Sub BeginningOfUsedRangeRow()
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Activate
End Sub
' M-> UsedRangeの最終行へ移動
Sub EndOfUsedRangeRow()
Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows _
(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row, _
End Sub
' C-v 1画面前進
Sub ScrollUp()
Dim RowNum As Long
Dim ColNum As Long
With ActiveWindow
RowNum = .ActiveCell.Row - .VisibleRange.Row + 1
ColNum = .ActiveCell.Column
.LargeScroll down:=1
.VisibleRange.Cells(RowNum, ColNum).Activate
End With
End Sub
' C-z 1画面後退
Sub ScrollDown()
Dim RowNum As Long
Dim ColNum As Long
With ActiveWindow
RowNum = .ActiveCell.Row - .VisibleRange.Row + 1
ColNum = .ActiveCell.Column
.LargeScroll up:=1
.VisibleRange.Cells(RowNum, ColNum).Activate
End With
End Sub
' C-l 現在行を画面の(だいたい)中央に
Sub Recenter()
Dim x As Long
With ActiveWindow
x = Int(ActiveCell.Row - (.VisibleRange.Height / ActiveCell.Height) / 2.5)
If x > 0 Then
.ScrollRow = x
End If
End With
End Sub
' C-s 検索ダイアログ
Sub Search()
End Sub
'' define C-x mode key bindings
Sub CxMode()
With Application
.OnKey "^{s}", "SaveFile"
.OnKey "^{w}", "WriteFile"
.OnKey "^{f}", "FindFile"
.OnKey "^{p}", "PrintFile"
.OnKey "^{g}", "EmacsMode"
.OnKey "^{x}" ' cut
.OnKey "^{v}" ' paste
.OnKey "^{z}" ' undo
End With
End Sub
'' define C-x mode commands
' C-x C-s 上書き保存
Sub SaveFile()
Call EmacsMode
End Sub
' C-x C-w 名前をつけて保存
Sub WriteFile()
Call EmacsMode
End Sub
' C-x C-f ファイルを開く
Sub FindFile()
Call EmacsMode
End Sub
' C-x C-p 印刷ダイアログ
Sub PrintFile()
Call EmacsMode
End Sub
Sub Enable_Keys()
Dim StartKeyCombination As Variant
Dim KeysArray As Variant
Dim Key As Variant
Dim I As Long
On Error Resume Next
'Shift key = "+" (plus sign)
'Ctrl key = "^" (caret)
'Alt key = "%" (percent sign
'We fill the array with this keys and the key combinations
'Shift-Ctrl, Shift- Alt, Ctrl-Alt, Shift-Ctrl-Alt
For Each StartKeyCombination In Array("+", "^", "%", "+^", "+%", "^%", "+^%")
KeysArray = Array("{BS}", "{BREAK}", "{CAPSLOCK}", "{CLEAR}", "{DEL}", _
"{DOWN}", "{END}", "{ENTER}", "~", "{ESC}", "{HELP}", "{HOME}", _
"{INSERT}", "{LEFT}", "{NUMLOCK}", "{PGDN}", "{PGUP}", _
"{RETURN}", "{RIGHT}", "{SCROLLLOCK}", "{TAB}", "{UP}")
'Enable the StartKeyCombination key(s) with every key in the KeysArray
For Each Key In KeysArray
Application.OnKey StartKeyCombination & Key
Next Key
'Enable the StartKeyCombination key(s) with every other key
For I = 0 To 255
Application.OnKey StartKeyCombination & Chr$(I)
Next I
'Enable the F1 - F15 keys in combination with the Shift, Ctrl or Alt key
For I = 1 To 15
Application.OnKey StartKeyCombination & "{F" & I & "}"
Next I
Next StartKeyCombination
'Enable the F1 - F15 keys
For I = 1 To 15
Application.OnKey "{F" & I & "}"
Next I
'Enable the PGDN and PGUP keys
Application.OnKey "{PGDN}"
Application.OnKey "{PGUP}"
End Sub
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