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Created July 17, 2018 22:53
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# grab the first unformatted disk and format it, then label it and update to fstab
# this must be ran as root
import subprocess
import time
import os
import datetime
import sys
def cmd(script, safe=False):
p = subprocess.Popen(script, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if not safe and p.returncode != 0:
print "Fail to execute command: %s" % script
print stdout, stderr
return stdout, stderr, p.returncode
def inspect_disk(disk):
# clear all block cache
cmd("blkid -g")
out, err, _ = cmd("blkid /dev/%s -o export" % disk, safe=True)
rows = [r.split("=") for r in out.strip().split("\n") if r.strip()]
return {r[0]: r[1] for r in rows}
def format_disk(disk, disk_type="ext4", label=None):
cmd("mkfs -t %s /dev/%s" % (disk_type, disk))
if label:
cmd("e2label /dev/%s \"%s\"" % (disk, label))
def update_fstab(diskinfo, mount_point):
assert diskinfo['UUID']
# create mount point
cmd("mkdir -p %s" % mount_point)
# check if disk is in fstab
has_mount = False
fstab = open("/etc/fstab").readlines()
for line in fstab:
if diskinfo['UUID'] in line:
has_mount = True
if not has_mount:
print("Updating fstab ...")
"UUID=%s" % diskinfo['UUID'],
# now write to fstab
with open("/etc/fstab", "w") as f:
def find_target_disk(target_label):
# use lsblk to list all disks
disks = cmd('lsblk -d -n -r -o NAME')[0].strip().split("\n")
target_disk = None
for disk in disks:
print("Inspecting %s" % disk)
# check if disk is formatted, instance store will be pre-formated
disk_format = cmd("file -s /dev/%s" % disk)[0].split(": ")[1].strip()
label = inspect_disk(disk).get('LABEL', '')
# debug information
print "format: " + disk_format
print "label: " + label
print ""
# disk is not yet formatted, let's pick this one
if disk_format == "data":
target_disk = disk
# disk is already formatted with the right label
elif target_label and label == target_label:
target_disk = disk
return target_disk
if __name__ == "__main__":
label = "ARIMO-DATA"
mount_point = "/opt/arimo-data"
timeout = 180
now =
while True:
target_disk = find_target_disk(label)
if not target_disk:
# check timeout
if ( - now).seconds > timeout:
print("Waiting for EBS to be ready ...")
if target_disk:
print("Target disk: %s" % target_disk)
info = inspect_disk(target_disk)
if not info.get('TYPE'):
print("Formating disk ...")
format_disk(target_disk, label=label)
# grab the new information
info = inspect_disk(target_disk)
update_fstab(info, mount_point)
# re-mount everything
print("Updating mount ...")
cmd("mount -a")
print("Can not find any disk")
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