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Last active March 4, 2025 18:30
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#! /usr/bin/perl
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX 'dup2';
our $VERSION= 0.001;
=head1 USAGE
ssh-crypt [-e|-d] [-s SALT] [-k KEY_PATTERN] <INPUT >OUTPUT
ssh-crypt [-e|-d] [-s SALT] [-k KEY_PATTERN] INPUT_FILE >OUTPUT
some_other_command <(ssh-decrypt ciphertext_file) blah balh
Uses an ssh key from your ssh-agent to encrypt or decrypt a file. For encryption, you should
specify a SALT value, and if you have more than one key specify -k to select which one you want.
=item -e | -d
Select encryption or decryption mode
=item -s SALT
Specify a string that will be signed to create the encryption key
=item -k KEY_PATTERN
During encryption, if you have multiple keys available, this selects the one you want to use.
# specify all settings so openssl upgrades don't change encryption
our @enc_opts= qw( -aes-256-cbc -md sha512 -pbkdf2 -iter 239823 );
our $file_signature= sprintf("ssh-crypt %2.3f ", $VERSION);
my $mode;
'e' => sub { $mode= 'encrypt' },
'd' => sub { $mode= 'decrypt' },
's=s' => \(my $salt= time),
'k=s' => \my $key_pattern,
'help|h' => sub { pod2usage(1) },
) && @ARGV <= 1
or pod2usage(2);
# They can specify a file to use instead of STDIN
open STDIN, '<', $ARGV[0] or die "open('$ARGV[0]'): $!"
if @ARGV;
# derive mode from the script name (when symlinked to these names)
$mode ||= ($0 =~ /-(encrypt|decrypt)/)[0]
|| pod2usage(-message => "Require '-e' or '-d' option");
$mode eq 'encrypt'? encrypt() : decrypt();
sub get_ssh_pubkey {
my @keys= `ssh-add -L`;
@keys= grep /$key_pattern/, @keys
if defined $key_pattern;
die "No ssh key ".(defined $key_pattern? "found matching pattern '$key_pattern'" : "available")
unless @keys;
my @usable= grep $_ !~ /^ecdsa/, @keys;
die "ecdsa keys cannot be used"
unless @usable;
die "More than one ssh_key found".(
defined $key_pattern? " matching pattern '$key_pattern'"
: "; use -k option or \$SSH_CRYPT_PUBKEY"
if @usable > 1;
# Trim off the comment, in case it contains sensitive information
$usable[0] =~ s/^(\S+ \S+).*/$1/;
# Create symmetric key by signing $salt with the chosen SSH key.
# Public key is provided, which causes ssh-keygen to consult ssh-agent for signing.
sub create_secret {
my ($key, $message)= @_;
my @cmd= ( 'ssh-keygen', -Y => 'sign', -n => $salt, '-q', -f => "/dev/fd/3" );
my $signed= capture_cmd_with_fds([$message, undef, undef, $key], @cmd);
sub encrypt {
my $key= get_ssh_pubkey;
my $secret= create_secret($key, $salt);
# write header
$key =~ s/\r?\n?\z//;
my $header= "${file_signature}XXXX\n$key\n@enc_opts\n$salt\n";
substr($header, length $file_signature, 4, sprintf "%04X", length $header);
print $header;
# create a pipe and load it with the file-descriptor-3 data
$^F= 3; # pass fd 3 to child
my $fd3= load_string_into_pipe($secret);
dup2(fileno $fd3, 3);
# hand off to openssl to run directly on file handles
exec('openssl', 'enc', -e => @enc_opts, -pass => 'fd:3') or die "exec(openssl): $!";
sub decrypt {
# Attempt to read a precise number of bytes from stdin so that we can pass stdin
# on to the openssl command without needing to be a middleman.
my $goal= 4 + length $file_signature;
my $header= '';
while ($goal > length $header) {
sysread(STDIN, $header, $goal - length $header, length $header) > 0
or die "expected at least $goal bytes of input";
substr($header, 0, length $file_signature) eq $file_signature
or die "input does not appear to be encrypted by this tool";
$goal= hex substr($header, length $file_signature, 4);
while ($goal > length $header) {
sysread(STDIN, $header, $goal - length $header, length $header) > 0
or die "expected at least $goal bytes of input";
my (undef, $key, $opts, $salt)= split /\n/, $header, 4;
my $secret= create_secret($key, $salt);
# create a pipe and load it with the file-descriptor-3 data
$^F= 3; # pass fd 3 to child
my $fd3= load_string_into_pipe($secret);
dup2(fileno $fd3, 3);
# hand off to openssl to run directly on file handles
exec('openssl', 'enc', -d => @enc_opts, -pass => 'fd:3') or die "exec(openssl): $!";
sub load_string_into_pipe {
my $secret= shift;
# create a pipe and load it with the file-descriptor-3 data
pipe(my $r, my $w) or die "pipe: $!";
syswrite($w, $secret) == length $secret or die "write(pipe): $!";
close $w;
return $r;
# This can be done much nicer with IPC::Run, but that isn't a standard module.
# Could also shell out to bash, but nice to have it work with ash in Alpine.
sub capture_cmd_with_fds {
my ($fds, @cmd)= @_;
pipe(my $stdout_r, my $stdout_w) or die "pipe: $!";
defined(my $pid= fork) or die "fork: $!";
if ($pid) {
close $stdout_w;
# read stdout and return it
local $/= undef;
my $msg= <$stdout_r>;
waitpid($pid, 0);
$? == 0 or die "$cmd[0] failed";
return $msg;
else {
$^F= $#$fds if $#$fds > 2;
for (0..$#$fds) {
if (defined $fds->[$_]) {
if (!ref $fds->[$_]) {
my $pipe= load_string_into_pipe($fds->[$_]);
dup2(fileno($pipe), $_);
} else {
dup2(fileno($fds->[$_]), $_);
dup2(fileno($stdout_w), 1);
exec @cmd or die "exec('$cmd[0]'): $!";
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corzine commented Mar 4, 2025

This looks really interesting when used with the bash command substitution syntax <(ssh-decrypt file).

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