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Last active December 6, 2023 04:02
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import torch as t
from torch.autograd import grad
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, eigsh
import numpy as np
def get_hessian_eigenvectors(model, loss_fn, train_data_loader, num_batches, device, n_top_vectors, param_extract_fn):
model: a pytorch model
loss_fn: a pytorch loss function
train_data_loader: a pytorch data loader
num_batches: number of batches to use for the hessian calculation
device: the device to use for the hessian calculation
n_top_vectors: number of top eigenvalues / eigenvectors to return
param_extract_fn: a function that takes a model and returns a list of parameters to compute the hessian with respect to (pass None to use all parameters)
returns: a tuple of (eigenvalues, eigenvectors)
eigenvalues: a numpy array of the top eigenvalues, arranged in increasing order
eigenvectors: a numpy array of the top eigenvectors, arranged in increasing order, shape (n_top_vectors, num_params)
param_extract_fn = param_extract_fn or (lambda x: x.parameters())
num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in param_extract_fn(model))
subset_images, subset_labels = [], []
for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_data_loader):
if batch_idx >= num_batches:
subset_images =
subset_labels =
def compute_loss():
output = model(subset_images)
return loss_fn(output, subset_labels)
def hessian_vector_product(vector):
grad_params = grad(compute_loss(), param_extract_fn(model), create_graph=True)
flat_grad =[g.view(-1) for g in grad_params])
grad_vector_product = t.sum(flat_grad * vector)
hvp = grad(grad_vector_product, param_extract_fn(model), retain_graph=True)
return[g.contiguous().view(-1) for g in hvp])
def matvec(v):
v_tensor = t.tensor(v, dtype=t.float32, device=device)
return hessian_vector_product(v_tensor).cpu().detach().numpy()
linear_operator = LinearOperator((num_params, num_params), matvec=matvec)
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eigsh(linear_operator, k=n_top_vectors, tol=0.001, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=True)
eigenvectors = np.transpose(eigenvectors)
return eigenvalues, eigenvectors
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