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Last active February 4, 2025 02:55
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Create Virtual Machines using QEMU on Silicon based Apple Macs

Install QEMU on Silicon based Apple Macs (June 2021)

Option 1 - Automatically

zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Option 2 - Manually

  • Install Xcode command line tools

xcode-select --install
  • Install Homebrew arm64

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/$(logname)/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
  • Install necessary packages for building

brew install libffi gettext glib pkg-config autoconf automake pixman ninja
  • Clone qemu

git clone
  • Change directory to qemu repository

cd qemu
  • Checkout to commit dated June 03, 2021 v6.0.0

git checkout 3c93dfa42c394fdd55684f2fbf24cf2f39b97d47
  • Apply patch series v8 by Alexander Graf

curl | git am
  • Building qemu installer

mkdir build && cd build
../configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu
make -j8
  • Install qemu

sudo make install

Create Ubuntu Server using QEMU on Silicon based Apple Macs

First run, close manually after installation aka first reboot.

curl -o ubuntu-lts.iso

qemu-img create -f qcow2 virtual-disk.qcow2 8G

cp $(dirname $(which qemu-img))/../share/qemu/edk2-aarch64-code.fd .

dd if=/dev/zero conv=sync bs=1m count=64 of=ovmf_vars.fd

qemu-system-aarch64 \
  -machine virt,accel=hvf,highmem=off \
  -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 4 -m 4G \
  -device virtio-gpu-pci \
  -device virtio-keyboard-pci \
  -drive "format=raw,file=edk2-aarch64-code.fd,if=pflash,readonly=on" \
  -drive "format=raw,file=ovmf_vars.fd,if=pflash" \
  -drive "format=qcow2,file=virtual-disk.qcow2" \
  -cdrom ubuntu-lts.iso

Second run, enjoy your Ubuntu Server.

qemu-system-aarch64 \
  -machine virt,accel=hvf,highmem=off \
  -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 4 -m 4G \
  -device virtio-gpu-pci \
  -device virtio-keyboard-pci \
  -drive "format=raw,file=edk2-aarch64-code.fd,if=pflash,readonly=on" \
  -drive "format=raw,file=ovmf_vars.fd,if=pflash" \
  -drive "format=qcow2,file=virtual-disk.qcow2"

Bonus, connect via SSH and serve port 80 at localhost.

  1. Start server using -
qemu-system-aarch64 \
  -machine virt,accel=hvf,highmem=off \
  -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 4 -m 4G \
  -device virtio-gpu-pci \
  -device virtio-keyboard-pci \
  -drive "format=raw,file=edk2-aarch64-code.fd,if=pflash,readonly=on" \
  -drive "format=raw,file=ovmf_vars.fd,if=pflash" \
  -drive "format=qcow2,file=virtual-disk.qcow2" \
  -nic hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp: &
  1. Login via SSH using -
ssh <username>@ -p 9922
  1. Visit http content at -
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cattyhouse commented Sep 16, 2022

since you guys are using bash/zsh, you can always use array to have a better syntax


# this is a comment
# enable hvf for the best performance
-machine virt,accel=hvf
# use a newer cpu, you can also use 'host' with qemu 7.0
#-cpu host
-cpu cortex-a72
# let's do 4core and 4GB RAM
-smp 4 -m 4G
# add a cd rom for the first time boot
-cdrom ubuntu-lts.iso
# let's go on, add anything you want
qemu-system-aarch64 "${options[@]}"

now move to your terminal and run


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danmack commented Nov 18, 2024

thanks for this howto, especially the magic SSH incantation appreciate it. Just got my M4 and I was able to just build the current qemu-9.2.0-rc0 source tree without any patches and it seems to work so far but I was having issue with my network working on alpine linux. Will try to verify/resolve that this morning.

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@danmack hope it work's for you...

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