React: a robust functional view layer.
View code and templating are combined as JavaScript.
In JavaScript you create a virtual DOM, react diffs changes between the last virtual DOM and the next, mutating the real DOM only as necessary to reflect the changes. This has huge implications for cognitive overhead as well as performance.
We are going to enter the source where that virtual
DOM gets created using calls to
React.DOM[element](attributes, contents)
Example usage
var React = require('react')
, d = React.DOM // Alias React.DOM for easier typing
var vDom =
d.div({className: 'conainer'}
, d.div({className: 'contents'},
{ start: d.p({}, 'Foo, bar, baz')
, middle: d.a({href: ''}, 'github')
, end: d.p({}, ['Weee', 'eeeeeee', 'eeee'])
console.log(JSON.stringify(vDom, null, 2))
Creating the template interface-
The actual function called for a tag (eg. React.DOM.div)-
Mixed in component pieces- Util to traverse all children-