The current schedule for the completion of ECMAScript 6, the next version of JavaScript, dictates that the language specification be finished by the end of the second quarter of 2014, and most browser vendors have made informal commitments to have ES6 implemented by the end of the year. Over the last couple years, we've heard a lot about the many new features in ES6, excitement, fear, and the inevitable bickering that comes with change. ES6 stands to be the most substantial change to JavaScript since ES4 (which didn't work out that great, as most users of ES5 are aware).
With this much change comes a lot of complexity. Many of the new features (like generators or proxies) are powerful, basic abstractions, and as such combine in complex (and potentially unexpected) ways. In many ways, it offers the possibility of returning us to the wild frontier days that JavaScript only recently left behind, with library and framework vendors each choosing their own combinations of features to build powerful (and complicate