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Created July 18, 2014 01:20
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ansible-bedrock provision error
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'roots/bedrock'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Checking if box 'roots/bedrock' is up to date...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: dewstudio_default_1405646209626_28639
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
default: Adapter 1: nat
default: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> default: Forwarding ports...
default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
default: SSH address:
default: SSH username: vagrant
default: SSH auth method: private key
default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> default: Checking for host entries
==> default: adding to (/etc/hosts) : # VAGRANT: d2e0a78f114bee1c6ac23949b1446f73 (default) / fabba9cb-4ab9-4056-8832-12119278d0a4
==> default: Setting hostname...
==> default: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
default: /vagrant => /Users/nathanroca/repo/dewstudio
default: /srv/www/ => /Users/nathanroca/repo/dewstudio/
==> default: Running provisioner: ansible...
PLAY [Install LEMP Stack with PHP 5.5 and MariaDB MySQL] **********************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [default]
TASK: [common | Update Apt] ***************************************************
ok: [default]
TASK: [common | Checking essentials] ******************************************
ok: [default] => (item=python-software-properties,python-pycurl,build-essential,python-mysqldb,curl)
TASK: [mariadb | Add MariaDB MySQL apt-key] ***********************************
ok: [default]
TASK: [mariadb | Add MariaDB MySQL deb and deb-src] ***************************
ok: [default] => (item=deb trusty main)
ok: [default] => (item=deb-src trusty main)
TASK: [mariadb | Install MariaDB MySQL server] ********************************
ok: [default]
TASK: [mariadb | Start MariaDB MySQL Server] **********************************
ok: [default]
TASK: [mariadb | Delete anonymous MySQL server user for current hostname] *****
ok: [default]
TASK: [mariadb | Delete anonymous MySQL server user for localhost] ************
ok: [default]
TASK: [mariadb | Remove the test database] ************************************
failed: [default] => {"failed": true, "parsed": false}
invalid output was: SUDO-SUCCESS-nevgkqqixwslokfrydvezzltzxawjxzn
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1405646309.07-6230163593534/mysql_db", line 1664, in <module>
File "/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1405646309.07-6230163593534/mysql_db", line 286, in main
target = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(target))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 261, in expanduser
if not path.startswith('~'):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
to retry, use: --limit @/Users/nathanroca/site.retry
default : ok=9 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
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