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Created February 14, 2022 16:18
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// #![deny(warnings)]
use std::time::Duration;
use futures::executor::block_on;
use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
static REQUEST_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
async fn main() {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
for client_stream in listener.incoming() {
// we generally assume that the number of concurrent requests is low (not more than a few dozen), so we are
// willing to pay the price of having one separate thread for each incoming request. In addition, we need to use
// blocking IO, so we have a good reason for doing so.
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let request_num = REQUEST_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
println!("Start processing request {}", request_num);
// process_request calls async functions, so we start an async-block here:
let future = async {
// block_on is often discouraged, but hopefully, this is a valid use case for it?
println!("Finished processing request {}", request_num);
async fn process_request(_client_stream: TcpStream) {
// Processing the request requires functions such as tokio's timeout. So something purely based
// on threads, without tokio and without async, is not viable.
match tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), fetch_resource_async()).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(_timeout) => {
println!("Unable to fetch resource within the given timeout.");
async fn fetch_resource_async() {
fn fetch_resource_blocking_io() {
// Just imagine that this function is doing blocking IO, and we don't have the option to turn that into
// non-blocking IO.
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